
Archive for April, 2010

Tom Cochrane

Source:Jessica Seiler– from Tom Cochrane’s song.

“Life is a Highway: I want to ride it all night long. It’s in my blood, it’s all around. Just tell em we’re survivors.”

From Jessica Seiler

I’m a laid back guy who believes that the happier you are in life the better off you’ll be. The less people you’ll piss off, the more people will like you and the better you’ll live and the longer you’ll live.

I’m a laid back guy who believes that life is not about whether you face tough times, or not or get knocked down or not. Thats a part of life, it happens to everyone. The question is whether you accept your reality and complain that life is unfair, or do you get back up and fix your reality. I believe that every problem that people faces in life can be overcome. It’s just a matter of finding a solution and keeping your cool. Don’t complain about the problem itself, just fix it.

If people can just take deep breaths & remember to breathe, they’re automatically better off because that relieves stress. Life is not supposed to be easy or hard. Life is what you make of it for yourself and about the choices that you make and what you do with the opportunities that you have. And in many cases those opportunities aren’t given to you, but you have to go out and make them for yourselves. I’m not saying this is exactly what Tom Cochrane is saying here, but that’s the message I get from life is a highway and you need to do the best with it that you can.

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