
Posts Tagged ‘1970’


Source:AMC– The cast of Myra Breckinridge.

Source:The Daily Review 

“This making of special aired in 2001.

This making of special aired in 2001. Don’t watch this if you haven’t seen the movie. It gives the whole storyline away.

This special on model Gia Carangi [1960-1986] aired in 2001. The audio and video is very bad on this one. I’m sorry about that. This copy is all that I have.

Myron Breckinridge flies to Europe to get a sex-change operation and is transformed into the beautiful Myra. She travels to Hollywood, meets up with.

This interview aired in 1990 about an etiquette manual Ms. Barrows had written called Mayflower Manners.” Originally from AMC, but the video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

Raquel Welch

Source:The Daily Review– Hollywood Goddess Raquel Welch as Myra Breckinridge.

Myra Breckinridge is one of those movies that looks better as it ages, because it was so ahead of its time. I think the makers of the film calculated wrong thinking that this is a 1970 movie probably made in 1969 and that this movie would be perfect for its time in the 1960s and the cultural and sexual revolutions. With young Americans experimenting and trying all sorts of different things even when it came to their sexuality.

But very few people were talking about transgender sexuality and sex changes back then. It was very new and then you throw in all the pornography in the movie (which I personally don’t have a problem with) and it was a tough movie for a lot of people to see which is why it was a financial flop when it came out.

If this movie came out 25-30 years later perhaps even 20 years I think this movie would have been very successful. (Especially on Cinemax) I’ve seen this movie like ten times now and have blogged about it multiple times and it was one of my favorite comedies. I’m laughing through most of this movie with Raquel Welch being at her hottest, sexiest and cutest, all in the same movie.

Raquel was so funny in this movie and this is where you really get to see her sense of humor and great comedic timing. John Huston playing Buck Naked, I mean Buck Loner in this movie a sex starved, or sex addict head of an acting school. (Of all things) Getting blow jobs and sexual massages on the job and trying to run his school at the same time.

And of course you can’t talk about Myra Breckinridge without talking about Mae West. Where she also plays a sex starved star in the movie a man-loving woman who can’t spend more than five seconds with a young stud (Tom Selleck) without making a pass at him. And of course you get to see Mae sing Hard to Handle which was perfect for her and her character in this movie.

And of course Gore Vidal with without his book with the same title this movie isn’t made. (Which might not have been a bad thing) But his great comedic ability and willingness to take big risks is how he writes the book that he did and how this movie gets made. I believe movies are judged by how they look as the years go by and later in history. And Myra Breckinridge to me looks like a great comedy.


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img_0588Source:The New Democrat

Myra Breckinridge may be the best movie that ever flopped at the box office. It lost more than the 1962 New York Mets who lost something like 120 games that season. I don’t believe the movie made a dime. It was too far ahead of its time. If it were made today with the right cast, it would probably be a huge success.

Raquel Welch plays Myra Breckinridge and really makes the movie worth watching all by herself. Watching her, it is very difficult to look at anyone or anything else. She is at her hottest, sexiest, cutest and funniest. She shows the world that she is much more than a hot and sexy babe. She has great wit and stage presence.

Myra is a former gay man who is now a transgender woman. She goes to Hollywood to claim what she believes to be her inheritance. Her uncle, Buck Loner (John Huston), an over-sexed horny bastard, runs an acting school that he inherited from his parents. Myra thinks that he owes her half of it.

Buck has no idea that his nephew, his sister Gertrude’s son, is now a women calling herself Myra Breckinridge. She tells her uncle to pay up or she’s going to a get a lawyer to get what she believes is hers.

To buy time, Buck gives Myra a job on the school faculty. He tries to prove that Myra never married his nephew and that he doesn’t owe her anything. He’s right that she never married his nephew. She is his nephew and she’s now a woman. She has a fake marriage license that keeps her in the game until she can get what she really wants, the five-hundred-thousand dollars that she believes her uncle owes her.

While Myra is trying to get her money, she uses her time at the school to do research on modern young straight men with the goal of dominating them, one day. This movie is hysterical. It has all sorts of funny characters including a gay man who plays the part of the queen perfectly. There’s also a very young, baby-faced, Farah Fawcett who’s actually cuter than Raquel, but not as sexy.
Tony Baretta: Myra Breckinridge 1970 Trailer

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Film Society at Lincoln Center_ 'Q&A With Raquel Welch on Myra Breckinridge'

Source:Film At Lincoln Center– Simon Doonan, interviewing Hollywood Goddess Raquel Welch, at Lincoln Center in 2012.

Source:The New Democrat 

“Cinematic goddess Raquel Welch sat down with author and fashion commentator Simon Doonan for a Q&A before a screening of cult classic “Myra Breckinridge” (1970) as part of a Film Society of Lincoln Center retrospective of her films. Camp, sexuality, and Mae West were all covered, obviously.”

From Film At Lincoln Center

Myra Breckinridge is not the movie that made Raquel Welch a star. Myra Breckinridge was a loser at the box office no matter how funny it was. It was one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen.

Myra might have been an official loser but Raquel was great and hilarious in it and it was in several ways a great movie. Just imagine going back to 1969-70 the end of the 1960s and the start of the 1970s. Yes, the cultural and sexual revolutions were already under way. The gay rights movement was already under way as well.

But take that a few steps forward where you have a formerly open gay man who decides that even living the life of a queen gay man, wasn’t good enough for him and decides to take it a step forward and become a transgender woman. The word transgender might not have even around yet in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

I’ve argued before that Myra Breckinridge both the book and the movie, were at least twenty years ahead of their time. Which I believe is why it was a loser at the box office. But that move comes out in the 1990s with the same cast, writing, and everything else, and I believe we’re talking about one of the most celebrated comedies of all-time.

Myra wasn’t seen as a great comedy then, but seeing it today it certainly looks like a very funny entertaining movie. And Raquel Welch was great and hilarious in it. As well as gorgeous, adorable, sexy, like she always has been.

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Raquel Welch_ 'On Meeting Mae West- For Myra Breckinridge'Source:Boy Culture– Hollywood Goddess Raquel Welch, talking about Myra Breckinridge in 2012.

Source:The Daily Press

“On February 10, 2012, Raquel Welch sits for a Q&A with Simon Doonan at Film Society of Lincoln Center and speaks about meeting Mae West—including an impromptu impersonation.”

From Boy Culture

“RAQUEL WELCH on Meeting Mae West for MYRA BRECKINRIDGE + Impersonation”

Raquel Welch

Source:Tidy Baa– Hollywood Goddess Raquel Welch, talking about meeting Mae West, in 2012.

From Tidy Baa

A very funny sexy baby, Raquel Welch. She’s like 72 at this point and still sounds and looks this adorable and gorgeous and the body. I mean her with those curves at this point of her life gets me to thinking that maybe there is an afterlife. And that we don’t die, but come back as something better.

I think Raquel is a sexier woman now than when she was in the 1970s. Especially if you look at her bootie. But we’re not just talking about a red-hot adorable sexy goddess in Raquel Welch. But a woman who is a hell of an actress especially when it comes to satire. As you see with her impression of Mae West, (speaking of funny people. She has Mae down and it would have been priceless to see Mae’s reaction to Raquel playing her. I believe she would have taken it well and even made a joke about it.

Not sure if the Raquel Welch-Mae West combination was ever designed to work. If you look at Myra Breckinridge, I believe they only had one scene together anyway. Mae, came from an era that was learning how to drive basically. Where airplanes were only read about in sci-fi fiction stories. Where even radio was new where watching movies was like going to library except for a big screen in the room, because all the movies in the 1920s were silent.

Raquel, is about as modern of a woman as any woman has ever been. Actually, Myra Breckinridge might be as modern of a movie that has ever been and perhaps 10-20 years ahead of his time. When you’re covering both open homosexuality, where queens have a big role in public in the movie. But you’re also covering transsexuality. And men who were thought to be gay, not comfortable as gay men and they become women.

Mae West, who I believe is one of the best entertainers, as well as actress’s of all-time who was hysterically funny in Myra Breckinridge, had to be impressed with Raquel Welch when she met her: I mean I think you almost have to be blind, death and gay not to be impressed by Raquel Welch. I actually think gay men when meeting Raquel for the first time might say to themselves: “OMG! what have I been missing all of these years? Instead of acting like a woman, I could just have them instead.” A little tongue in cheek there, but that wouldn’t surprise me.

Raquel and Mae, weren’t a generation apart, but at least two generation’s apart. Mae, grew up when horse carriages were still a dominant form of transportation. And Raquel grew up with televisions and movies where people actually talked to each other. So they were very different, but they made a hell of a funny movie together.

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Daily Worldwide News_ Charles Manson denied parole (2012) - Google Search

Source:CNN– convicted serial murderer Charles Manson.

Source:The Daily Press

“Corcoran, California CNN —
Notorious killer Charles Manson, 77, was denied parole Wednesday after a California parole panel “could find nothing good as far as suitability” for his being paroled, a commissioner said.

Manson didn’t show up for his parole hearing, which was held at a state prison in Corcoran, California, where he is serving a life sentence.

Manson’s next parole hearing was scheduled for 15 years from now, meaning he could die in prison.”

From CNN

“Charles Manson once more was put up before the California parole board and was denied freedom.”

CNN_ Michael Martinez- ‘Charles Manson Denied Parole, With Next Parole Hearing Set For 2027’

Source:CNN– convicted serial murderer Charles Manson.

From Daily Worldwide News

“Infamous mass murderer Charles Manson just lost his last real shot at freedom … the parole board just denied his latest request for release.

The hearing took place at Corcoran State Prison in CA…where Manson– who was convicted of 7 murders in 1969 … including Sharon Tate’s– was previously denied parole 11 times.

Now … at the ripe old age of 77 this is most likely the murderer’s last stand…since his case cannot be heard again for another 15 years … putting him well into his 90s.

Only one Manson Family member convicted of murder has been paroled — Steve Grogan–who was granted his freedom in 1985 for aiding the authorities and good behavior.

If you recall…Manson was originally sentenced to death in 1972 but it was commuted after the California death penalty was declared unconstitutional.

From TMZ

Charles Manson

Source:TMZ– infamous convicted serial murderer Charles Manson exactly where he belongs for the last 42 years.

Charles Manson has been in prison for his current sentence of forty-two years. After being convicted for his part in the Manson Family murders of the late 1960s. He is now 77 years old, so just for is current prison sentence alone, he’s been in prison for more than half of his life.

The last time Manson was a free man from the mid 1960s, after being paroled from prison in Washington State, to the time he was arrested in 1969, for his role in the Manson Family murders, that’s really the longest stretch he’s ever been free at any point of his life.

It’s not just that Charlie Manson has spent most of his adult life in prison he’s spent most of his life period in prison. He’s exactly where he belongs, he’s never shown the ability to be productive on the outside, without hurting innocent people, or having them killed. Charlie Manson is not in Prison for actually physically committing the murders. He’s in Prison for conspiring the murders, for inspiring others to do his evil work.

Charlie Manson was originally sentenced to death for the role in the Manson Family murders from 1969. So were his co-defendants Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel, Charles Watson and others. But then California outlawed the death penalty shortly after their sentences. So their sentences were changed to life in prison with the possibility of parole. None of the convicted murderers have been paroled and they will never be.

Imagine that you are responsible for intentionally killing not just one innocent person, but innocent people and not only is your life spared, but you actually have a shot as small as it is, of one day being free. Even though your victims will never be free from the crimes you committed against them.

The Manson Family is lucky to even be alive right now and that’s the best they’ll ever do. You can make a good case that sparing the lives of Leslie Van Houten and Pat Krenwinkell, was a a good move. Both have made productive use of their prison sentences. Both completed college in prison, both hold good prison jobs. Both have shown they are now rehabilitated and probably no longer represents a threat to society. And both have shown remorse for their crimes.

Charlie Manon is exactly where he belongs and is lucky to have whatever time he has left to be alive in Prison. He’s shown no remorse or admitted any responsibility for his crimes.

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