
Posts Tagged ‘Abortion’

YouTube_ House Rejects Sex-selection Abortion Ban - Google Search

Source:Associated Press– U.S. Representative Phil Gingrey (Republican, Georgia) presiding over the U.S. House of Representatives.

Source:FRS FreeState

“The House on Thursday fell short in an effort to ban abortions based on the sex of the fetus as Republicans and Democrats made an election-year appeal for women’s votes.”

From the Associated Press

I guess one of the disadvantages of having a two-party political system is that you get all the fringes stuck into two political parties, with one party having their own vision of big government and the other party having there’s. Which is what we have now in the Republican Party and Democratic Party.

Nanny State

Source:The Daily Press– I just wish every sane, sober, intelligent American (which seems to be a shrinking list of people everyday) would just say hell no to the nanny state. And let free people live their own lives.

I would never get an abortion myself (and not just because I’m a man, which makes that biologically impossible) because even if I didn’t want the baby, I prefer options like adoption over aborting potential human lives.

And I sure as hell would never abort a fetus because I didn’t like the gender of the baby. If gender equality (which is what leftists used to claim to care about) means anything, you don’t abort fetuses simply because of the fetuses gender.

But to pass a law out of Congress (even if it’s just in the House) banning abortions because the parents don’t like the gender of the baby, I mean you can say that they’re stupid for doing that, crazy even, but to put them in prison for simply being crazy idiots and perhaps their crazy idiot doctor for doing that, looks like Big Government with way too much free time on his hands, living such a boring life that he feels the need to tell other people what to do, to fill his time and days.

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