
Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Source:The New Democrat 

Al Pacino from Any Given Sunday playing Miami Sharks head coach Tony Damato, which I believe was the name of his character. Explaining to his football team that life isn’t just a game of inches, but football is as well. And that every inch and every play is important and can end up being the difference between losing a game and winning the game. And the most important games are where each play in the game are that much more important. “What if I only made that tackle, or made that block, or made that catch, saw that defender before I threw the ball and get it picked off”.

Life and football perhaps especially is a game of inches and plays. Not one inch, or one play, but you add them all up and they become crucial. And the bigger the game is, or the situation in life, the better you have to play and the fewer plays you are able to take off. Because every mistake and come back and bite you in the ass and leave asking a bunch of what ifs. Which is why you have to play every play like it is not just important, but crucial. The difference between winning and advancing and losing and going home. And that was Tony Damato’s message in this scene.

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Source:Alamy Stock Photo– Cindy Crawford and Billy Baldwin, couldn’t get enough of each other, so they handcuffed themselves to each other. LOL

You can also see this post at The Action Blog, on Blogger.

“Film Still from “Fair Game” Cindy Crawford, William Baldwin © 1995 Warner Brothers Photo Credit: Jon Farmer File Reference”

From Alamy

“Max Kirkpatrick is a cop who protects Kate McQuean, a civil law attorney, from a renegade KGB team out to terminate her.

Director: Andrew Sipes
Writers: Paula Gosling (novel), Charlie Fletcher (screenplay)
Stars: William Baldwin, Cindy Crawford, Steven Berkoff”

_ (28)

Source:Trailer Chan– Billy Baldwin and Cindy Crawford: hot for each other?

FromTrailer Chan 

I’ll be one of the first to admit that Fair Game is not a great movie, not even a very good movie. It’s a very entertaining movie with a lot of funny lines and some funny scenes. (Especially the edited version of the movie from TNT)

Take Cindy Crawford out of this movie and I sure as hell don’t have much reason to watch it. Actually I liked the Russian female terrorist. But probably not enough reason to watch a ninety-minute film by herself. Which is the Segway for what I really like about this movie.

Cindy Crawford, arguably the top supermodel of all-time and still one hell of a goddess today at 47 was my main motivation for seeing this movie 18 years ago and why I still see it again from time to time today. She’s one of the top goddess’ of all-time. About 5’9, 120 pounds or so, with gorgeous red hair and gorgeous eyes and a hot, baby-face. When she smiles back then and today you really get to see how adorable she is as well. She reminds me a lot of Raquel Welch and Eva Mendes reminds me of Cindy today as well as Raquel. Women who are hot, but almost can be little girl adorable.

And that is what you see in this scene from Fair Game, a gorgeous, sexy baby-faced woman, whose on the run from terrorists. Who needs access to a computer and she sees a computer geek who could help her and uses her goddess sex appeal to get from him exactly what she wants. Perhaps giving this poor schmuck the ride of his life, but a ride he’ll never forget. Giving him nothing to complain about from her since he’ll probably never forget her. A movie that’s not exactly a very clever movie, but does a good job at taking advantage of the tools around it. Like using sexuality to get what the sexy character wants.

You can also see this post on Blogger.

You can also see this post at The Action Blog, on WordPress.

You can also see this post at FRS FreeState, on Blogger.

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Source:Maurence Shipley– The Miami Dolphins defensive line.

“1987 week 15 Redskins at Dolphins. Marino vs Schroeder.”

From Maurence Shipley

The Redskins were still Super Bowl contenders in 1987 and the Dolphins were slipping to mediocrity.

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Source:NFL Network– with a profile of Dallas Cowboys and Miami Dolphins head coach Jimmy Johnson.

“A look at Jimmy Johnson, a former college coach who became one of the most successful NFL coaches in his five seasons with the Dallas Cowboys, only to see his career torn asunder by conflicts with team ownership.”

From NFL Fanzone

To look at Jimmy Johnson’s career you should first look at where the programs that he took over were. When he got there and where they were when he left. And I look at Miami Florida who were a national champion when he took over but what they became after that. Not just a national champion but the best program in college football and then he goes to Dallas where he inherits the worst. Team in football in the Cowboys and what were they when he left which was the best team in the NFL for the 1990s. These things do not happen without Jimmy Johnson because he built those programs not all by himself. Of course he had a great staff and a President in Jerry Jones who spent the money and spent it wisely. But Jimmy was the architect of those Cowboy teams including the 95 Cowboys that won a Super Bowl when Jimmy was no longer there. That was a team that Jimmy put together and drafted those players and made the trades and so forth.

Jimmy Johnson’s football philosophy was very basic. Win all the time, win as much as possible and do whatever it takes, I guess within the rules maybe Jimmy should answer that himself. But do whatever you have to do to win as many games as possible so you can win championships. Which is all about work and getting the players you need to put in the work and will perform and do what it. Takes to be successful in football and his motivation was pretty simple. If you are going to play for me you are going to do the work to be successful and you are going to give me your best all. The time or you can’t play for me. If you aren’t going do everything you can to be successful playing for Jimmy Johnson. Then you aren’t going to play for Jimmy Johnson. If you are Randy White and Ed Jones two great defensive lineman but at the end of their careers when Jimmy got there. You are not going to do the work to be successful for Jimmy so you retire. If you are a borderline NFL football player and you don’t do the work for Jimmy you are going to get cut.

As crazy as Jimmy might of seem as a football coach his madness had a method and there was organization to it. Because it was all about winning and winning as much as possible and doing what it takes to get the best players possible. And then getting everything you can out of those players by simply letting them know that if you are going to be successful. You are going to put in the work and give me everything you have or you can’t play here. He was the ultimate boss, you do the work and the best job you can or you are going to have to find some other place to work. Which is why he was so successful with the college football team of the 80s and the NFL team of the 90s.

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CMB 7686_ 1989 Notre Dame vs Miami,FSource:CBS Sports– with this 1989 Fighting Irish-Hurricanes game.

“Nov 25, 1989. Miami beats #1 Notre Dame 27-10 at the Orange Bowl. This Broadcast is from CBS.”

From CMB 7686

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CMB 7686_ 1991 Penn St, vs Miami,FlSource:ABC Sports– with this 1991 Nittany Lions-Hurricanes game.

“Oct 12,1991. Miami beats Penn St 26-20. This broadcast was from ABC. The game was JIP in the 1st Quarter and was preempted in the third quarter because of the Senate Hearings on Clarence Thomas.”

From CMB 7686

Miami and Penn State played several classic games against each other in the 1980s and early 90s.

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Ted Bundy FULL final interview from 23rd January 1989 + Interview with Dr_ James Dobson

Source:Focus On The Family– convicted serial murderer Ted Bundy, being interviewed by Dr. James Dobson, in 1989.

“I have found this video on the website “Veoh”, yet I was unable to find it on YouTube, so I have decided to download it from Veoh and upload it here, for a wider audience.

This video includes the full and uncut final interview of serial killer Theodore “Ted” Robert Bundy, made on 23rd January 1989, with Dr. James Dobson, right inside the Florida State Prison, situated in the city of Raiford, less than a day before his execution on the electric chair, which happened in the morning on 7:15 AM on the following day, with Ted Bundy being declared dead just one minute later, on 7:16 AM.

This video also includes an interview with Dr. James Dobson, at the beginning of the video and also at the end of the video, while the interview with Ted Bundy is to be found between these two sections. Again, I have searched a lot for the full interview with Ted Bundy on YouTube, yet I was unable to find any video on here, that includes the full, uncut interview and which also does not include any subtitles or any kind of audio delay. The video quality is the same video quality from the original video found on Veoh. I did also not cut or edit anything on it. The video is 55 minutes and 40 seconds long, yet after 55 minutes and 9 seconds, the last 31 seconds of the video only include an old-fashioned test screen, so there will be nothing more to see.”

From Q’nqüra 

When Dr. James Dobson who was literally one of the leaders of the Christian-Right in America with his social group Focus On The Family, when he interviewed Ted Bundy just before Bundy was executed at Florida State Prison in 1989, Bundy was tying to save his life at this point and explain why he committed all of those murders and rapes and perhaps hoped he could get his sentenced commuted to life in prison.

Ted Bundy

Source:Focus On The Family– convicted serial murderer Ted Bundy, being interviewed by Dr. James Dobson, in 1989.

Some background is needed for this interview: Dr. James Dobson is one of the leaders of the religious-right or the so-called Moral Majority in America, that looks down on alcohol, tobacco, pornography, homosexuality, pre-marital sex, the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, to be more specific. And Ted Bundy is one of the most successful serial murderers we’ve ever seen in the United States. Ted Bundy is trying to simply save his life. And Dr. Dobson wants to show Americans the dangers of pornography.

And late in his life I guess after Ted Bundy finally admitted that he was guilty of the murders he was convicted of he started explaining why they happened and how they came about. And as he says in the interview he’s not blaming alcohol and pornography for what he did. And takes responsibility for these murders at least in this interview. But saying that he was under the influence of alcohol and pornography during these crimes. Which gave Dr. Dobson an opportunity to push his message of why alcohol and pornography are bad for society.

This was about Ted Bundy trying to save his life and show people who he’s not as evil as he was portrayed because of all the horrible murders and rapes that he committed. That was Bundy’s motivation here and why he also admitted to other murders that he wasn’t convicted of. Because he wanted a stay of execution and not be executed. Even if that meant living the rest of his life in prison.

Dr. Dobson at the very least was smart enough to see that. But I believe used this interview anyway to try to showcase what he sees as the dangers of pornography in America.

You can also see this post at FRS FreeState, on Blogger.

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Biography Ted Bundy - Google Search

Source:Biography– of serial murderer and rapist Theodore R. Bundy.

Source:The Daily Press

“American serial killer and rapist Ted Bundy was one of the most notorious criminals of the late 20th century, known to have killed at least 20 women in the 1970s. He was executed in the electric chair in 1989.

Who Was Ted Bundy?

Ted Bundy was a 1970s serial murderer, rapist and necrophiliac. He was executed in Florida’s electric chair in 1989. His case has since inspired many novels and films about serial killers.”

From Biography

“Serial killer Ted Bundy, who was added to the FBI’s Top Ten Fugitives list on February 10, 1978. On February 15, 1978, Bundy was arrested in Pensacola, Florida, by local police after he was stopped for speeding while driving a stolen vehicle.”

Ted Bundy

Source:FBI– Theodore R. Bundy is one of the most wanted serial murderers by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in American history.

From the FBI

“In 1967, whilst a student at the University of Washington, he was to meet the girl who was to have the most profound effect on his life, fellow student Stephanie Brooks, who was from a wealthy family, and with whom he fell deeply in love. She didn’t reciprocate with as much passion, however, and when she graduated in 1968 she ended their relationship abruptly.”

Biography_ Ted Bundy

Source:Ramona Horstlich– one of serial murderer Ted Bundy’s victims.

From Ramona Horstlich

Ted Bundy was a special serial murderer and I don’t mean that in a complementary way, but he was very successful at murdering people and even getting away with it up to a point. Because he had intelligence and an education level that murders or criminals in general simply don’t generally. To go along with possessing a certain amount of evil where he actually enjoyed raping and murdering women. And you put all of these characteristics together and you have a serial murderer whose able to rape and murder all the women he was able to.

I’m not saying that criminals in general are dumb and I’m not a professional criminal profiler. But what I do know about this is that the average career criminal who ends up spending at least a major percentage of their life in and outside of jail and prison, generally don’t have a very good education. And tend to get involved in crime early on and perhaps as a result don’t finish high school. Either drop out doing considerable time in juvenile hall.

The average career criminal tends to be dumb in the sense that they’re not well-educated. They don’t have skills and knowledge that they can use to make a successful life for themselves outside of crime by the time they start doing hard time. And another thing that makes Bundy special is that he started his criminal career as a teenager as well.

Ted Bundy was a high school and college graduate who was studying to be a lawyer. Who defended himself in court and perhaps gave himself a better defense than the local public defender could have given him in Tallahassee where he was finally put way for good and given the death penalty.

The average career criminal especially a serial murderer, doesn’t fit that profile. The average criminal that has Bundy’s criminal profile, is a screw up (to put it mildly) for the most part, whose done time for shoplifting and knocking off convenient stores and stealing fifty bucks and so-forth. That wasn’t Ted Bundy. Bundy was someone who if he didn’t have this murderous addiction (no pun intended) would have ended up as a lawyer. And perhaps a damn good one but had this horrible side that cost the lives of at least twenty women that we know of.

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CSI_ Miami - Behind the Scenes_ Rest In Pieces

Source:CBS– One of the cast members from CBS’s CSI Miami.

Source:The Daily Press

“Raquel Welch guest stars as Vina Navarro, the matriarch of a powerful Miami family on CSI: MIAMI, Sunday, March 11 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS!”

From CBS 

Hollywood Goddess Raquel Welch guess-starring on CBS’s CSI Miami last year. She plays the mother of an organized crime family in South Florida. I think she’s still way too cute to play a bad girl or scare anyone, but she’s also an excellent actress.

Raquel Welch

Source:CBS– Hollywood Goddess Raquel Welch guess-starring on CBS’s CSI Miami, in 2012.

Raquel Welch, not only playing a grandmother, but a bad girl on the same show. Nope! Sorry, not buying it. For one, she’s still too damn hot to be playing a grandmother. Maybe when she turns a hundred will she finally be able to pull off the grandmother. And maybe pigs will be flying and Mississippi will become an Islamic State by them. With Billy Joe and Jimmy Ray, wearing turbans as well.

And two, she’s too damn cute to be playing a bad girl. Well actually that works for her, because she would be one of the last woman people would assume as a bad girl, because she’s still real hot and has the baby-face going for her when she smiles, or is even pissed off. In all seriousness, this looks like a good show and I wish I had watch it. Because Raquel is on it, but it looks like a good episode as well.

Horatio, (played by David Caruso) I guess the lieutenant on this show, really has his work cut out for him. The lead criminal is a red-hot Latina goddess and his professionalism will really be put to the test on this show.

He’s going to have to try to catch a woman and put her organization away without falling for the urge to want to bang her. (Good luck, Chuck!) Or at the very least get very close with Vina Navarro, (played by the red-hot Raquel Welch) who is the leader of a very powerful crime family in Miami. Responsible for several murders and runs a narcotics operation. Perhaps has politicians in their back pockets. A really bad crew as far as the damage they can bring. And Horatio almost has to do this job blindfolded, at least when he’s around Vina, or has David Caruso put it in the promo for this show, he may fall for her power and sex appeal and be sucked in by her.

David Caruso, I believe at least is a great actor. He plays the tough smart cop very well, as you see on this show and if you’re familiar with the movie Body Count back in 1998, he also plays the wise-cracking funny bad guy stoned killer as well. Someone who knows what they want and won’t let anyone stop him. Who also can make you laugh knows how to put people in their place with humor.

Raquel Welch, is still so red-hot that she’s been banned from both the North and South poles, because they don’t want any more ice to melt. Scandinavia, doesn’t want her in the winter either. (Ha, ha) And yet she’s also a hell of an actress who uses her tremendous sex appeal and adorability as an actress to bring viewers in, but has this great charm and credibility as an actress that you believe whatever role she’s playing, because she’s playing it. This looks like a real good show and hopefully I’ll see it on demand, or in syndication.

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20th Century Fox_ Lady in Cement (1968) 'Raquel Welch_ Bikini Slideshow'

Source:20th Century Fox– Raquel Welch swimsuit edition.

Source:The Daily Press

“Raquel Welch Bikini Slideshow Lady In Cement 1968.”

From Mark Blue 

“During an ocean dive, Miami gumshoe Tony Rome (Frank Sinatra) finds a woman’s body with her feet encased in a concrete block and sets out to solve the murder case.”

Lady in Cement

Source:20th Century Fox– Hollywood Goddess Raquel Welch: Swimsuit Edition.


“Tony Rome (Frank Sinatra) is a Miami based detective who while diving in the ocean finds the body of a young woman. He is hired by Waldo Gronsky (Dan Blocker) to find her killer. Tony has to sift through a stack of suspects, plus trying to elude the Police. Written by Kelly.”

20th Century Fox_ Lady in Cement (1968) 'Raquel Welch_ Bikini Slideshow'

Source:IMDB– Lady in Cement poster.


Here you can see Hollywood Goddess Raquel Welch in the pool in her bikini, as well as out of the pool in her bikini, with The Chairman of the Board Frank Sinatra as just an innocent spectator. Raquel is a good actress and I believe an excellent comedian as well, but let’s face it: her Goddess features and voice are always the the first things that people (perhaps especially guys) notice about her.

Lady in Cement is actually a very good movie. Very funny as Frank Sinatra movies tend to be, because he was a very good comedic actor with a very good off the cuff sense of humor. This movie also has a lot of good action scenes in it as well and a hell of a cast.

But take Raquel out of this movie and they would have to replace her with another goddess who if she isn’t as hot, sexy and adorable as Raquel, she would have to at least be in her ballpark.

Someone like Jill St. John who was in the first Tony Rome movie. (Any guesses on what the first Tony Rome movie was called) An actress like Raquel Welch brings guys to movies by herself. Because she’s so hot and sexy and adorable and that voice and yet she can also act as well.

Raquel and Frank are twenty-five years apart in real-life and perhaps in this movie as well. And yet the Raquel character Kit, is attracted to Tony Rome, because he’s Frank Sinatra. Well, actually because Tony Rome is a very charming intelligent funny smart-ass, who is very good at his job.

Rome is attracted to Kit as well, because, as if you don’t know the answers to that! But he needs her for the case he’s working on and she knows men that might have something to do with the murder he’s investigating. If not did the murder themselves and he uses her to get to them, as well as please himself.

Kit also tries to use Rome to get him to investigate someone else, with Rome telling her: “When I want it, I’m not going to trade for it.” With Kit calling Tony a bastard. You can tell that they’re very attracted to each other in this movie, but that Rome has a job to do and that is what he concentrates on. And it’s a very entertaining movie.

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