
Posts Tagged ‘Serial Killers’

Ted Bundy

Source:FYI– I believe this photo is Ted Bundy’s F.B.I. most wanted photo.

Source:The Daily Press

“The World’s Most Notorious Serial Killer : Documentary on Ted Bundy (Full Documentary)”

From FYI

When I think of people who would fall into the category, of what could’ve been, as far as people who could’ve been very successful in life, the ultimate underachievers, Ted Bundy would definitely be on that list. There are plenty of athletes who would make that list. Baseball players like Darryl Strawberry, who was a five-tool player, whose career was shortened due to drug addiction. Jose Canseco would be on that list as well. Not so much drug addiction, except for perhaps steroids. But someone who wasn’t very disciplined as an athlete or a person.

Football players like RB Eric Dickerson and this might be hard to believe, because he’s in the Hall of Fame. But he could’ve and perhaps should’ve gone down as the best running back of all time. Perhaps the most talented RB of all-time, but never made it to that level. And then you look at politicians, like Richard Nixon, without his paranoia, would’ve gone down as one of the best American president’s ever, especially on Foreign Policy. And then you can also look at serial murderers and Ted Bundy would be at the top of my list.

There are plenty of criminals and serial murderers who are pure evil, who bring nothing to the table, from a positive sense. Richard Ramirez the Night Stalker comes to mind. And then there are serial murderers who are a mix bag of good and evil. Take away the evil side and they could’ve been very productive in life. Ted Bundy would be at the top of my list.

Serial murderers like John Wayne Gacy, who when he wasn’t murdering people, was a very successful business and family man. Who was considering a career in Illinois politics and could’ve gotten elected and been successful at that. Ted Bundy went to college and was studying to become a lawyer.

Bundy was a law student and even represented himself in court, during his murder trials. Murder trials, because he’s connected to at least twenty murders that we know of and there may be more.

The evil side of Ted Bundy, was one of the worst people we’ve ever seen, one of the most successful serial murderers that we know of, as far as the amount of people he murdered and murdered all young women, most of them college students. So he could rape them, then murder them and then keep them as his possessions, so he can come back to them. Thats how he satisfied his sexual desires and is someone who had to be stopped, because he would’ve killed more.

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Daily Worldwide News_ Charles Manson denied parole (2012) - Google Search

Source:CNN– convicted serial murderer Charles Manson.

Source:The Daily Press

“Corcoran, California CNN —
Notorious killer Charles Manson, 77, was denied parole Wednesday after a California parole panel “could find nothing good as far as suitability” for his being paroled, a commissioner said.

Manson didn’t show up for his parole hearing, which was held at a state prison in Corcoran, California, where he is serving a life sentence.

Manson’s next parole hearing was scheduled for 15 years from now, meaning he could die in prison.”

From CNN

“Charles Manson once more was put up before the California parole board and was denied freedom.”

CNN_ Michael Martinez- ‘Charles Manson Denied Parole, With Next Parole Hearing Set For 2027’

Source:CNN– convicted serial murderer Charles Manson.

From Daily Worldwide News

“Infamous mass murderer Charles Manson just lost his last real shot at freedom … the parole board just denied his latest request for release.

The hearing took place at Corcoran State Prison in CA…where Manson– who was convicted of 7 murders in 1969 … including Sharon Tate’s– was previously denied parole 11 times.

Now … at the ripe old age of 77 this is most likely the murderer’s last stand…since his case cannot be heard again for another 15 years … putting him well into his 90s.

Only one Manson Family member convicted of murder has been paroled — Steve Grogan–who was granted his freedom in 1985 for aiding the authorities and good behavior.

If you recall…Manson was originally sentenced to death in 1972 but it was commuted after the California death penalty was declared unconstitutional.

From TMZ

Charles Manson

Source:TMZ– infamous convicted serial murderer Charles Manson exactly where he belongs for the last 42 years.

Charles Manson has been in prison for his current sentence of forty-two years. After being convicted for his part in the Manson Family murders of the late 1960s. He is now 77 years old, so just for is current prison sentence alone, he’s been in prison for more than half of his life.

The last time Manson was a free man from the mid 1960s, after being paroled from prison in Washington State, to the time he was arrested in 1969, for his role in the Manson Family murders, that’s really the longest stretch he’s ever been free at any point of his life.

It’s not just that Charlie Manson has spent most of his adult life in prison he’s spent most of his life period in prison. He’s exactly where he belongs, he’s never shown the ability to be productive on the outside, without hurting innocent people, or having them killed. Charlie Manson is not in Prison for actually physically committing the murders. He’s in Prison for conspiring the murders, for inspiring others to do his evil work.

Charlie Manson was originally sentenced to death for the role in the Manson Family murders from 1969. So were his co-defendants Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel, Charles Watson and others. But then California outlawed the death penalty shortly after their sentences. So their sentences were changed to life in prison with the possibility of parole. None of the convicted murderers have been paroled and they will never be.

Imagine that you are responsible for intentionally killing not just one innocent person, but innocent people and not only is your life spared, but you actually have a shot as small as it is, of one day being free. Even though your victims will never be free from the crimes you committed against them.

The Manson Family is lucky to even be alive right now and that’s the best they’ll ever do. You can make a good case that sparing the lives of Leslie Van Houten and Pat Krenwinkell, was a a good move. Both have made productive use of their prison sentences. Both completed college in prison, both hold good prison jobs. Both have shown they are now rehabilitated and probably no longer represents a threat to society. And both have shown remorse for their crimes.

Charlie Manon is exactly where he belongs and is lucky to have whatever time he has left to be alive in Prison. He’s shown no remorse or admitted any responsibility for his crimes.

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