
Archive for the ‘Marilyn’ Category

Source:The Daily Review

I’ve blogged this before and I’ll say this again. Marilyn Monroe, wasn’t known for saying intelligent things, at least not with people not knowing her personally. She was known as a goddess, dumb blonde, an entertainer, comedian, singer, a wild child with the baby-face of a sixteen year girl and even the personality of one. And except for the dumb blonde she was all of those things. But she was so much more and even those she was immature and lack self-discipline and self-confidence, which is shocking if you just look at her and see that smile, she had this keen blunt way of seeing things for what they are and knowing exactly how to describe them and put things and people in their place. She had a keen sense for commonsense about life outside of her. Even if she didn’t show much of it when living her own life. What’s she saying here in this quote is not something that makes people think, “I wish I thought of that.” Instead it’s more like, “I wish I remembered that, so I could see things what they were and take life as it comes and make the best of it.”

Things to happen for a reason. Which sounds like a quote from Captain Obvious, but it’s so true and if more people just saw that instead of thinking their life is collapsing because they’re facing some hardship. It’s not whether something for good or bad happens in your life that is key. The question is how does that change you and what do you do about it. Being poor at any point in your life is only a life sentence if you make it one for yourself. You don’t improve yourself, you don’t get yourself the skills that you need to live your life, you don’t make the necessary lifestyle adjustments needed to be able to move up in life and you’ll remain poor. Instead of saying, “I hate poverty, so I’m going to do what it takes to get myself out of poverty.” And that is just one example and when something positive happens in your life, you should know why and how that happened, so you don’t take it for granted and stay on that positive course. Whether you get a promotion at work, get a great girlfriend, whatever it might be.

One way I would describe Marilyn Monroe, is that she has a Ronald Reagan knack of commonsense. (Sorry my fellow Democrats) The Gipper had an ability to put things as they are and put them in a way that anyone basically could understand. That is how someone wins presidential elections with 56 and 59 percent of the vote and wins 93 states in two elections. Because you show strong leadership and layout a vision and character that everyone can understand. Even if they vote for you or not. Marilyn Monroe, was fifteen-years younger than Ron Reagan and politically very different, but she had that same ability of putting things in a way that everyone can understand. And not introduce knew language and facts, but instead remind people of commonsense that almost everyone knows. That perhaps we forgot, because it’s so common and perhaps seems so ordinary and perhaps old school and we feel the need to simply be different and fit in with current times. Marilyn was great at putting things exactly as they are and for that reason alone is worth being missed.

Ruling Funnys: Amazing Marilyn Monroe Quotes

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Marilyn Monroe

Source:The Daily Review

Had Marilyn Monroe been mentally as strong as she was physically, or even mentally half as strong as she was physically, she’s probably still alive today. Unless some jealous disturbed women murdered her, because she could no longer handle how much better looking Marilyn was over her. If Marilyn was strong mentally, to go with her appearance and body, we might be talking about the goddess of all-time. I would still be leaning towards Sophia Loren and perhaps a few other women. Imagine had Marilyn’s brain matched her face. Imagine if mentally she wasn’t as adorable and immature as she was physically. That she didn’t look at life from the standpoint of a 16-year-old girl, but instead as an early middle-age 36-year-old women. Which is how old she was when she died.

Forget about the great legs, the butt, the body that was perfectly designed and perhaps purposely designed for the skinny jeans in boots look today. The long strong legs and round butt, that of course she had. She was a hell of an actress, as well as a great comedian and when she was happy she was about as funny as anyone in Hollywood and probably could have written her own humorous scripts for TV and the movies in her forties had she just lived in a natural life in years. She was an excellent singer, she had great moves, she could act very well and probably ends up winning awards as an actress and not just as a comedic actress. But these were her talents and you don’t last in Hollywood simply on talent. You have to work and hold it together personally as well.

Unfortunately Marilyn Monroe fits the old cliché, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, like a glove. As perfect as she was on the outside, she was at times at least just as weak on the inside. With the personality and maturity level of a teenage girl and even the voice of one. She’s a women who never grew up mentally and could never see how great a talent that she was and how great of a future that she had only she was just reached and out grabbed it. Laid off the booze and pills, showed up for work on time and do the work and produce the great films and performances that she was more than capable of doing time after time being rewarded handsomely for her great performances. This is the Marilyn that we would have seen had she just had been mentally strong enough for it.
Vicki Dahl: The Marilyn Monroe Story- A life of Love, Glamour and Darkness Autobiography

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Source: Marilyn Monroe History

Source: This piece was originally posted at The Daily Review

This might sound disrespectful and I don’t mean it to be, but I’ve always seen Marilyn Monroe as a teenage girl, if not younger. As an overly adorable and not just baby-faced adorable, but with a voice and face to match. Beautiful teenage girls, have a tendency to lack self-confidence, because they see beautiful women in Hollywood and think they are not as good as those women, so they must not be good enough. And deal with depression and self-confidence issues and perhaps mess around with drugs.

I just described Marilyn Monroe as a thirty-six year old early middle-aged women who had now been an adult for almost twenty-years. I think if she had just bothered to grow up personally and perhaps got constructive help for her self-esteem issues, she could definitely be alive today. And probably at least makes it to her eighties. A women was thirty-six when she died, who probably had another 20-25 years as a gorgeous and even baby-faced adorable goddess with a great body. Barbara Eden, now 81, is still gorgeous and cute as a baby. Raquel Welch, 75, still too cute a hot to play a bad girl.

Healthy responsible mature women, who know who they are and at least like themselves, because they know what they have and that they have real value, don’t drink themselves to sleep every and spend night after night alone and consume all of the medication that Marilyn Monroe consumed in the last few years of their lives. Especially if they’re in the entertainment business, because their career means so much to them and love to entertain and to work and that success affords them to live the great lifestyle that they do.

We’re not talking about the incredible short life of Marilyn Monroe, had she simply lived a responsible life. And could see what blind people could see. That she was this hot baby-faced adorable sexy goddess, who was also one of the best entertainers of her generation. And she lived a normal life in year, would have been one of the best entertainer of all-time. Someone who might have still been entertaining her eighties. Which is what Ellen Burstyn at 82 is still doing today. But we were all denied that opportunity to see that.
Marilyn Monroe History: The Death of Marilyn Monroe- Conspiracy Theories: August 4th, 1962

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The Goddess

Source:The Daily Review Plus– Hollywood Goddess and Babydoll Marilyn Monroe 

Source:The Daily Review

I’ll be the first to admit as a Marilyn Monroe fan of hers both as an entertainer and the physical goddess that she was, that the way she died was really sad and even worst than being murdered. Because the best evidence available back then over fifty years ago and today suggesting if not simply saying that she killed herself. Either accidentally, or even worst by killing herself. And I understand that fans of her having such a hard time accepting that their hero killed herself that way, or even killed herself at all. The same way that John Kennedy fans, can’t accept that a born loser shot and killed him. But the whole point of evidence and facts is to tell us what we know and what we should believe based on the best available facts and evidence. Not to make us feel better, which is very different.

But over fifty years later no one has put any real evidence that Marilyn could have died any other way. They say someone murdered her. Based on what? What evidence is there that someone was there when Marilyn died and killed her? And who is this supposed person? No evidence suggesting that someone was there and who could it possibly be. We know that Marilyn tried to kill herself at least four other times before she died. We know her career wasn’t going very well with her having trouble at work and no showing up and leaving early. We know she was a heavy drug user who suffered from depression, which is why she was under so much medication and had tried to kill herself before. We know about the pill bottles and the alcohol that was by her when she died.

All the evidence suggest that she killed herself one way or other. Again either by accident, or by suicide. She wasn’t happy, she wasn’t living in a very nice place, especially for a woman who was as big as a star as she was. A beautiful, hot, summer, Los Angeles night and this hot, sexy baby-faced adorable goddess, with a great voice and personality and she’s all alone. Other than her housekeeper who was asleep down the hall when Marilyn died. She was not a woman who was in a healthy state of mind, to say the least. Even if you grant the story that Marilyn had a book and a lot of information that she was going to release about Jack and Bob Kennedy, where’s the evidence that either of them had anything to do with the actual death of Marilyn? No one has been able to put either one of them there yet. Or suggest anything that could say they had a role in planning her death.

As the old cliché goes, “facts are a stubborn thing.” Meaning you can’t argue with them in an intelligent way where an intelligent person who knows better and is in a right state of mind would say, ‘wait! I was wrong all along! Water really is dry and fire is cold!” Or whatever example you want to use. All the best and perhaps only evidence suggests that the only person involved in the death of Marilyn Monroe, is Marilyn herself. Which tells the people close to her, including her housekeeper and she had a lot of other friends, didn’t know her well enough. And saw that she really wasn’t doing well and that was in the need of professional help. What she got instead was people abandoning her. Including the Kennedy’s and her studio and perhaps personal friends. Which is just more evidence of how sad her death really was.
Marilyn Monroe History: History’s Mysteries- The Death of Marilyn Monroe

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Source: CNN– RFK, JFK & Marilyn 

Source: The Daily Review

John F. Kennedy, is my number one political hero, but as great as a politician as he was and in many ways a great man, he never becomes President of the United States if the media back then bothered to report on the personal lives of politicians. Only tabloids did that and as most people know tabloids aren’t taken seriously especially when it comes to politicians. At least by intelligent people. Because Jack Kennedy, is simply one of the most irresponsible politicians we’ve ever had at least as far as how he lived his personal life. He had personal and even friendly relationships with gangsters and friends of gangsters. And even had an affair as a married man with the girlfriend of a gangster in Judy Campbell. The girlfriend of Italian gangster Sam Giacana.

Marilyn Monroe, is an example of the recklessness of Jack Kennedy. Not that Marilyn was a bad person, because the opposite is true there, but she was a very immature baby-faced adorable women, whose personality and maturity didn’t seem much older. Who was mentally unstable and had Hollywood fantasies that Jack would divorce his wife Jackie and that Marilyn would become next First Lady of the United States. All Jack wanted from Marilyn was her body, sex and a good time. Which might sound really rude, if not crude, but he never saw Marilyn as long-term romance material and not marriage material. But to be completely honest, I don’t believe he ever saw any women as marriage material. In the sense he would settle down with her and give up all of his affairs.

Jack, officially broke it off with Marilyn in 1962 and of course didn’t have the decency and wasn’t man enough to personally tell her that himself. And had his brother and most trusted aid Bobby do that for him. But that is as far as it goes with how Marilyn was after she got the news and how they effected her. There’s no real evidence if any evidence, of anyone being in the house other than Marilyn and her housekeeper the night that she died at home. The most loyal of Marilyn fans will never except that a women this sexy, beautiful and adorable, with the great personality, sense of humor, talent and everything else, and entertainer who was headed to Hollywood Hall of Fame has she lived in normal live in years, that she killed herself. Accidentally, or otherwise and that is why these conspiracy theories that someone murdered her exist.
CNN: Marilyn Monroe & The Kennedys

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Marilyn Monroe

Source: Full History Documentary: Unsolved History: Who Killed Marilyn Monroe- The Secret Truth

We know who killed Marilyn Monroe. Well that is everyone familiar with the story and this incredible for good and bad Hollywood Goddess and her life and how she lived, who is not a current resident at a mental hospital, an escaped mental patient whose on the lam, as well as anyone capable of understanding commonsense and real evidence that is right in front of them that even a blind person could see. Marilyn, not intentionally, but again that is the question here whether this was suicide, or an accidental death like someone driving off a cliff after losing control of the car. Because she was both a very irresponsible women, who had real mental issues and not always in complete control of what she was doing. Who for whatever reasons could never understand everything that she had going for her.

“A depressed Marilyn Monroe who committed suicide.” That is the only question here. Did she kill herself intentionally, or accidentally. A depressed women who one hot night in Los Angeles decides that life is hell and she can’t take it anymore and takes enough pills to kill three people. Well, that is more believable than U.S. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy coming by one night and killing her so the affair she had with his brother President Jack Kennedy, doesn’t get out. But again we’re talking about an unstable women who drank too much, who perhaps could have given Jim Morrison a run for his money when it came to drinking alcohol in one night. Who took a lot of pills as well to make herself feel better and numb her reality which she thought was hell. But would have been paradise for perhaps 9-10 other Americans. Which again goes to her mental unbalance.

I believe the only solid theory to how Marilyn Monroe died was that she accidentally killed herself from a drug overdose. A bad combination of alcohol and sleeping pills. Remember, a mentally unbalanced women who drank a lot and probably drank herself to sleep on a regular basis, especially since her career was basically on hold now, because he was becoming even more unprofessional at work and getting fired from movie roles. Who also took sleeping pills every night to numb herself along with the alcohol. That is the only believable theory here, because no one has offered any evidence that someone else killed her. And has no evidence of anyone else being there and who that person could have possibly be. She wasn’t alone that night, because her housekeeper was asleep down the hall. Had someone broke in to kill Marilyn, the housekeeper would have known about it. Which is why the second killer theory simply doesn’t hold. Along with no evidence of anyone else being there.

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Marilyn & The Chairman of The Board

Source: People Magazine– Marilyn & The Chairman of The Board

Source:The Daily Review

“In the later years of his life, Frank Sinatra would often reminisce about his loves, his losses and the friends he missed most, including Marilyn Monroe.

While the events surrounding what really happened on August 4, 1962 when the star was found dead from a drug overdose remain a mystery, Sinatra’s close confidant and former road manager Tony Oppedisano, whose memoir Sinatra and Me: In The Wee Small Hours, is excerpted in this week’s PEOPLE, says the singer didn’t believe it was an accidental overdose. “Frank believed she was murdered,” he writes, “and he never got over it.”

According to Oppedisano, Sinatra and Monroe were close friends but not lovers. While Sinatra thought she was beautiful and funny, he writes, “Frank felt she was too troubled, too fragile, for him to sleep with and then walk away.”

From People Magazine

“New York Times Bestseller! “Sam Giancana tells all . . . Controversial . . . ties seven United States presidents to the mob.”—Larry King, CNN

One of the most feared Chicago mobsters Sam Giancana clawed his way to the top of the Mafia hierarchy by starting as a hit man for Al Capone. He was known as one of the best vehicle escape artists, a tenacious business man, and a ruthless…

Amazon_com_ Double Cross_ The Explosive Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America_ 9781510711242_ Giancana, Sam, Giancana, Chuck, Giancana, Bettina, Newark, Tim_ Libros

Source:Amazon– all you need are a lot of sheep, as well as drunk, high, escaped mental patients, to make it as a New York Times bestseller. Which unfortunately is a good way to describe a lot of Marlyn Monroe’s fans who’ll never except the fact that she accidentally killed herself with too much booze and pills, on that tragic night in Los Angeles in 1962.

From Amazon

“Ties between Sam Giancana and Marilyn Monroe as told in the Book Double Cross.”

Double Cross Giancana and Marilyn MonroeSource:The Literary Group– Sam Giancana’s nephew.

From The Literary Group

The whole point about Marilyn Monroe’s housekeeper being asleep at Marilyn Monroe’s house the night that she died and that she was next door, or down the hall, tells you how bogus (to be nice) the claim that Sam Giancana had anything to do with the death of Marilyn. The housekeeper would have heard a break in, or at least of heard a struggle between Marilyn and the supposed assassin, or assassins.

Keep in mind, this younger Sam Giancana, is the nephew of the Italian mobster Sam Giancana. So I guess you could say why would young Sam would be accusing his own uncle of murdering one of the top Hollywood Goddess’s of all-time? The answer being why not: it wouldn’t be the first time that someone has used their famous name to make a lot of money legitimately.

Marilyn Monroe had she been alive today and let’s say in her mid, or late thirties with the same personality and physical futures and talents, she would be the OMG, awesome, pop princess, or whatever. She has a lot of fans from this era who look at the world that way. And they have a hard time believing how could anyone that fabulous (let’s say) could take their own life. Which is very hard to believe and I understand that.

But if you knew Marilyn and how irresponsible she was and how unhappy she was and the fact that she did have real mental issues and was even committed even at one point, you know she was a mental train wreck waiting to explode. She drank too much and took way too many pills because of how unhappy she was.

I don’t believe Marilyn killed herself intentionally. I’m not implying suicide here, but when you’re drunk as she was that night and you’re unhappy to begin with and you’re taking all sorts of medication at night to try to get you through the day and you take all of those drugs including the alcohol at the same time, very bad things are going to happen to you. Since you’re not completely aware of what you’re doing you end up finally taking too much.

Marilyn died from an overdose and no one helped her do that. Other than maybe giving her some motivation and reason to feel unhappy. But we’re still not talking about a murder here. One way to look at the death of Marilyn Monroe is to look at what happens to drunk drivers and they get in accidents and kill themselves by accident as a result.

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How Did Marilyn Monroe Really Die_ _ Unsolved History

Source:Quest TV– Hollywood Babydoll Marilyn Monroe.

Source:The New Democrat

Marilyn Monroe

Source:The New Democrat– Hollywood Babydoll Marilyn Monroe, at Santa Monica Beach, California in 1962.

“Was Marilyn Monroe’s death really a suicide, or something much more sinister?”

From Quest TV

I’ve seen several documentaries this month alone about Marilyn Monroe and her life. Because I’m very interested in her and was looking for new material that I could blog about Marilyn’s life. And in every show except for this one, they all suggested that Marilyn died from the wrong dosage of pills and then combined those pills with alcohol and you have the deadly combination which is what killed her.

The idea that Jack or Bobby Kennedy killed Marilyn, is stupid. Perhaps not as stupid as the idea that Vice President Lyndon Johnson ordered the hit of President Kennedy, but it’s still pretty stupid.

Marilyn Monroe, was certainly unhappy. You don’t drink and take as much medication as she did in the last few years of her life, if you’re mentally healthy. But suicide, especially considering everything else she had going for her, is a little hard to buy. She had a lot of people around her and if this was on her mind, someone would’ve probably picked up on that and hopefully would’ve done something about it.

Peter Lawford, who was sort of a personal consultant and assistant to President John F. Kennedy, if he’s involved in this, it would’ve come out. Simply because of his relationship with the Kennedy’s and Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe, was drunk the night she died and yet felt the need to have more sleeping pills. And not that I know this from personal experience, but when you’re drunk especially lets say, shit-faced drunk, you’re pretty stupid, or at the very least you act very stupid and do a lot of stupid things. Simply because you’re not in control of yourself and do things that you wouldn’t normally do.

Some people say that drunkenness, makes honest people out of everyone. Marilyn, didn’t know what she was doing on the last night of her life. Because she was drunk and as a result, she took the wrong pill combination and then add all the drinking and that is what killed her.

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This piece was originally posted at The New Democrat Plus

Marilyn Monroe, did seem to lack self-confidence and live in some cocoon or something and not able to see what she really had going for her. From both a personal and physical perspective. And yet the way she carried herself, you would almost have to believe that she knew she was hot, sexy, great body, baby-face adorable, with voice as cute as her face. And the things that she said and how she expressed herself and how she played her parts, you would have to think that she knew that she was very funny as well.

She wasn’t a blonde bimbo, some airhead who looked great, but had nothing else going for her. But she did lack maturity and seemed to stop aging both physically and emotionally when she reached 17, or 18 and never really grew up inside. And yet she was a hell of a talent as an actress, singer and comedian even. Similar to Shelley Winters and Elizabeth Taylor, she made her serious roles and parts look like funny people. Because she was a very funny person herself, who brought herself to all of her roles. And because she didn’t see how talented she was and what she had going for her, abused herself and was depressed a lot.

If Marilyn just bothered to grow up personally and just had a healthy sense of self-worth and self-confidence and bothered to take care of herself and not drink and take all the pills that she did, she could easily still be alive today. I mean, a women with all the skills and talent that Marilyn had, to die at 36 and have died in a plane crash, or a car crash, but to die the way she did from a pill overdose and being drunk at the time as well and all by herself, is one of the biggest damn shame’s of all-time. I can’t think of a sadder way for such a talented women to die then to be that young and alone and die from an overdose. But in her short life, she accomplished so much and left so much behind for people to remember her. And most of it positive.

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Source: This piece was originally posted at The New Democrat Plus

The five-hundred-thousand figure, as far as what Marilyn Monroe was worth when she died, even if that is 1960s money and not today’s money, does seem a little surprising to me. Considering how famous and talented she was and all the work that she got as a result. From movies, modeling and even singing. Plus a lot of endorsement’s and performances that she gave. But she also did spend a lot of money and wasn’t all together mentally even when she was sober. And did spend a lot of money on herself and people she cared about. Like her biological mother and other people close to her.

But Marilyn Monroe is still one of those women and entertainers who fall in the category of, “what could’ve been”, or, “if only.” If only she took care of herself, or actually got the help that she needed. If someone stepped up and told her that she needs help. She’s drinking way too much and taking a lot of pills. If you do just one of those things, you’re really hurting yourself, but if you do them together, you can literally kill yourself by overdosing. Which is what I believe and a lot of other people believe is how Marilyn died. Taking pills and perhaps drunk when taking them and taking the wrong combination.

Marilyn, is part of what, “what if”, or, “what could’ve been” crowd, because she accomplished so much in such a short time. I mean, dying at thirty-six years old when you look like that. And you were as a good of an entertainer that she was. Actress, singer and even comedian, one of the funniest people in Hollywood at the time. People wanted to see even more from her and where expecting to, especially considering she was only thirty-six and probably had another fifteen years, or more to look forward to as far as getting big parts and roles in her career. Had she only just took care of herself.
Reelz Channel: Marilyn Monroe’s Estate- Celebrity Legacies

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