
Posts Tagged ‘London’


Source:ABC News– World News Tonight With Peter Jennings.

Source:The New Democrat

“The premiere edition, anchored by Frank Reynolds, Max Robinson, and Peter Jennings.Posted for educational and historical purposes only. All material is under the copyright of their original holders. No copyright infringement is intended.”

From News Archive

The thing that people need to know about Marxist states which is exactly what the Soviet Union of Russia was for over seventy-years before the Soviet Union broke with all the non-ethnic-Russian states breaking away and creating their own independent countries, is that they can consider anything that goes against the state as treason. And anyone that says anything in opposition to the central state, is a treasonous.

The fake trial of Natan Sharansky back in 1978 was which was obviously fake. Here’s a man who was simply calling for human rights in a Marxist state where human rights don’t exist. The only rights that exist in a Marxist state all belong to the central government. Which is supposed to use that power to take care of the people.

In the late 1970s you saw Russia get more aggressive with their foreign policy and make moves in North Africa and Central Asia to protect their interests. Like in Ethiopia to protect a Marxist government there and of course in Afghanistan to install a Marxist government there.

You also saw Russian activists and non-ethnic-Russian activists in Russia like Natan Sharansky speak out in favor of human rights in a country where they simply don’t exist. As well as Russian citizens and non-ethnic-Russian citizens including Russian-Jews fleeing their country in hopes of finding freedom and coming to America so to speak because of that. And part of that had to do with President Jimmy Carter making human rights as part of his foreign policy.

1978 was a big year for tax cuts and a bad year for high taxes. As you saw several states with movements calling for cutting taxes across the board. Even in the so-called Republic of California that has always had high taxes and has been one of the most leftist states in the union when it comes to taxation.

In 1978 there was a movement led by anti-tax advocate Howard Jarvis, who you could call a 1970s Tea Party leader who managed to get on the state ballot there a measure that would cut property taxes across the board. And it passed even though California is one of the biggest Democratic states in the union as far as party registration. With a 2-1 Democrat to Republican party ratio. With Democrats controlling both houses of the State Legislature going back to the 1950s.

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ABC News_ World News Tonight (July 10, 1978)

Source:ABC News– U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance.

“The very first broadcast of ABC World News Tonight on July 10, 1978 with Max Robinson in Chicago, Frank Reynolds in Washington, and Peter Jennings in London.

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own any rights to this video.”

From Sanjay Iyer

The economy was probably the biggest story of 1978, because that’s when it went down hill and didn’t come back until late 1983. With high unemployment, high interest rates, high inflation, and energy shortage and a recession in 1979-80 and all these things started in 1978. It was called the Great Deflation that started with the 1973 oil embargo that led to energy shortages. America was getting out of Vietnam and jobs were no longer being created from that war. Economic growth slowing down, unemployment going up. As well as the Federal budget deficit, interest rates and inflation. Even if the economy looked solid in January, of 78 with fairly low unemployment that was about to change very quickly by the spring that year.

The Soviet Union of Russia was feeling very strong as far as it’s military and energy power in the late 1970s. And when a huge, powerful, police state, especially a superpower like Russia, feels strong, it tends to behave very badly, like with the way it treats it’s own people, especially people who don’t like their regime, like Jewish-Russian Natan Sharansky. He was literally put on trial in Russia for speaking out against the Soviet State in Russia.

You can also see this post on Blogger.

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Source:BBC– Hollywood Goddess Kim Novak talking to Richard Dingley in 1956,

Source:The Daily Press

“Hollywood actress Kim Novak interviewed in 1956.”

From Chatham 43

The mid and late-1950s was probably Kim Novak’s career at its peak. She essentially left Hollywood by 1970, for a brief return in the mid 1980s. Not that she had to because could’ve easily remained a star through her sixties and she was only twenty-three in 1956. She could probably still be acting today, because she’s still very healthy and still looks great.

But in 1955 and 56, she gets The Man With The Golden Arm, Picnic and then two-years later in 1958 Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, Kim Novak was on a role a Hollywood Goddess who not only looked the part, but got great substantial roles and performed beautifully in them. Not an actress who was simply a star because of her sex appeal and physical beauty, which she certainly had a lot of both anyway. But she was also a hell of an actress who I wish chose to have a long career.

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Down by The Riverside

Source:The Daily Press– Leather N Denim and jeans in boots: the cheeseburgers and fries or fish and chips of women’s fashion. 

Source:The Daily Press

“Down by the riverside in stiletto boots and a black leather jacket.” Originally from New Fashion 13, but the video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

When I think of sexy women, I think of them in tight jeans with leather boots. Whether they wear their boots with skinny jeans, the common look for five years now, or jeans over boot’s, it’s a very sexy combination. It combines two sexy looks, denim and leather, the two sexiest looks in fashion right now.

The body type is an important component of the denim and boots look. I’m not a fan of the valley girl look, a tall, rail thin, blond who doesn’t eat full meals and is afraid of meat. I’m also not a fan of obese women who look like they only eat meat and sweets and wouldn’t know exercise if they fell over it. I’m attracted to healthy, well built, women who eat full meals and keep themselves in shape. I’m 6’5 and over 200 lbs. I prefer women who are between 5’6 & 6’+ and well built.

About a year and a half ago, I saw a YouTube video of a beautiful, tall, brunette with a sweet face walking by a riverside wearing a black leather jacket, tight, dark, washed, skinny, denim jeans and black, leather, stiletto boots. I commented, at the time and still believe today, that her look was the perfect combination, like a cheeseburger and fries. The woman, apparently British, replied to me that she prefers fish and chips (ha ha) but she took my point. Whichever analogy you prefer, it works.

I prefer seeing women wearing calf high boots in tight jeans. It looks sexy but the women look intelligent and productive, independent of their sex appeal. Thigh high boots strike me as hooker boots. Women wearing them look like they need their sex appeal to make a living.

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