
Posts Tagged ‘Love Life’



Source: Five Prime– Steve Dunne and English Muffin Diana Dors 

Source:The New Democrat 

I’m going to try to write this post without sounding sexist as a man, but I think especially with this day and age that will be difficult and at the very least it come off as politically incorrect, at least the political correctness Left in America. But this movie you have a woman at home who thinks her husband doesn’t pay enough attention to her. Played by the hot, sexy baby-face adorable Diana Dors and her idea of marriage seems to be what she sees from John Wayne in his last movie where he’s spoiling his wife and giving her all sorts of gifts.

She’s married to a man named Micky played by the tiny, but very funny George Gobel. They make a really adorable couple, because Diana is taller than George, but has a baby’s face and her husband almost looks like a little boy next to her. Shorter and smaller than his wife. Mickey is a very busy New York advertising executive with a very big account he’s working on a tight deadline to get it done and works for a boss who only sees the green picture. The money and doesn’t want to hear about what his top ad man by being going through at home.

Mickey loves Janice and Janice loves Mickey, but Janice believes that Mickey doesn’t pay her enough attention. And sees marriage based on what she sees from Hollywood. So Mickey is left with a wife at home who already believes she doesn’t give her enough attention. And an overbearing boss at work who is putting the future of the company in the lap of Mickey. Telling him “if you don’t come through, these people who work here are going to be out of jobs and everything else”. And Mickey has to figure out how to balance these new pressure together. A wife who thinks he doesn’t love her enough and an overbearing boss who is putting the future of the company in his hands.

Captain Bijou: I Married a Woman 1958 Trailer

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Boys' Night Out Original Trailer

Source:TCM– Hollywood Goddess Kim Novak, starring in Boys Night Out (1962)

“Boys’ Night Out Original Trailer”

From TCM 

“Fred, George, Doug and Howie are quickly reaching middle-age. Three of them are married, only Fred is still a bachelor. They want something different than their ordinary marriages, children and TV-dinners. In secret, they get themselves an apartment with a beautiful young woman, Kathy, for romantic rendezvous. But Kathy does not tell them that she is a sociology student researching the sexual life of the white middle-class male. Written by Mattias Thuresson.”

Boys' Night Out (1962)

Source:IMDB– Boys Night Out, looking for Kim Novak.

From IMDB 

This photo I believe is from the original or official trailer of Boys Night Out. But the video that this photo is from is not currently available online right now.

Boys Night Out - Kim Novak

Source:The Daily Press– Kathy (played by Kim Novak) observing her potential guinea pigs.

Kim Novak was a Hollywood Goddess who combined gorgeous baby-face looks to go with a body, that could have four guys thinking of nothing but her as she showed in this movie. Especially when you have four three bored, middle-aged married men who are looking for excitement in their sex life. And a young man in Jim Garner’s character who could probably marry any woman that he wants, but hasn’t decided to settle down and do that. Compared with the other three guys at least Garner looks like the obvious choice here. But doesn’t seem ready for a serious romance yet.

The plot of this movie (in case anyone is wondering) is four friends who live in Greenwich, Connecticut who all commute to New York together where they work on the same train. They see Fred’s (James Garner) cheating boss at a bar one night after work. And they get to talking about how this guy is pulling this extra relationship off without his wife knowing about it.

They figure that Fred’s boss must have an extra apartment in New York where he takes his mistress, or has her stay there. And get the idea that maybe they should all chip in rent a separate apartment for themselves for their new girl that they would share with each other. To bring some excitement to their love lives.

The guys send Fred to find and rent their New York apartment for them that they would all chip in and pay for. By chance Cathy (played by Kim Novak) is looking for the same apartment that Fred has just rented. But again the guys are looking for a woman to share their apartment with that they would share.

And Fred explains to Cathy that he and his buddies are looking for a housekeeper to take care of the apartment and that should could live in as well. Where this movie gets pretty interesting is that Cathy is no housekeeper, but a sociology graduate looking to write a paper on the modern suburban male. And takes the job to do the research for her paper.

What Cathy does with this let’s call it experiment, is make each men think that she’s giving them what they’re looking for in their married life besides excitement.

Cathy lets Doug (played by Howard Duff) fix things around the house. Something that his wife doesn’t let him do at home and always calls the repairman.

She lets Howie (played by Howard Morris) eat whatever he wants and gives him all types of different foods and meals that he’s not getting at home.

She lets George (played by Tony Randall) say whatever he wants and lets him finishes his sentences. His wife shuts him up or changes the subject constantly at home. She makes these men feel special and needed when she only wants to do research on them for her paper.

If you’re familiar with The Chapman Report which I believe came out the same year as Boys Night Out which is also about sex and love life in the 1960s, I think you would like Boys Night Out as well. Both movies are about a cultural transition that America was just starting and going through in the early 1960s.

I guess one of the funny things about this movie is that it is pretty innocent. You have three married men who want excitement in their lives who don’t actually do anything with the woman they see as their mistress in Cathy. Because she won’t let them, because she’s only interested in the bachelor who is Fred played by Jim Garner. Who is interested in her.

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