
Posts Tagged ‘Marriage’



Source: Five Prime– Steve Dunne and English Muffin Diana Dors 

Source:The New Democrat 

I’m going to try to write this post without sounding sexist as a man, but I think especially with this day and age that will be difficult and at the very least it come off as politically incorrect, at least the political correctness Left in America. But this movie you have a woman at home who thinks her husband doesn’t pay enough attention to her. Played by the hot, sexy baby-face adorable Diana Dors and her idea of marriage seems to be what she sees from John Wayne in his last movie where he’s spoiling his wife and giving her all sorts of gifts.

She’s married to a man named Micky played by the tiny, but very funny George Gobel. They make a really adorable couple, because Diana is taller than George, but has a baby’s face and her husband almost looks like a little boy next to her. Shorter and smaller than his wife. Mickey is a very busy New York advertising executive with a very big account he’s working on a tight deadline to get it done and works for a boss who only sees the green picture. The money and doesn’t want to hear about what his top ad man by being going through at home.

Mickey loves Janice and Janice loves Mickey, but Janice believes that Mickey doesn’t pay her enough attention. And sees marriage based on what she sees from Hollywood. So Mickey is left with a wife at home who already believes she doesn’t give her enough attention. And an overbearing boss at work who is putting the future of the company in the lap of Mickey. Telling him “if you don’t come through, these people who work here are going to be out of jobs and everything else”. And Mickey has to figure out how to balance these new pressure together. A wife who thinks he doesn’t love her enough and an overbearing boss who is putting the future of the company in his hands.

Captain Bijou: I Married a Woman 1958 Trailer

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Source:The Onion– An All-American real-life couple?

Source:The New Democrat 

“Local couple Alison Fry and Peter Hartman told reporters Thursday they have both been pleased since opening up their relationship, saying the exciting new arrangement allowed them the freedom to psychologically wear down other people. ”

From The Onion

Sure, why take your frustrations out on your spouse when you can take them out on your mistress: instead, you could just say: “Honey, look, I don’t want to argue this with you” and go meet your mistress and have it out with her instead and then if there’s anything you didn’t cover with her, your wife will be there at home for you to finish off your critical arguments about whose turn it was to wash the dishes or pick up the kids from school or pay the monthly porno bill.

Marriage is just too valuable of an institution to waste badgering your own spouse. Especially when you have so many women who are free (and need money) and you just meet them instead and take out your frustrations on them. And leave the important discussions about who should pick up Johnny and Sally from their soccer practice or should cook dinner, who should answer the phone and really go at each other on such life and death important issues like that.

And leave the real arguments about who is spending too much money on the credit card with your mistress. And go off on her about spending so much money on fur coats, jewelry, weekend getaways, etc.

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