
Posts Tagged ‘MSNBC’

Charles Manson SpeaksSource:MSNBC– interviewing convicted serial murderer and cult leader Charles Manson.

Source:The New Democrat

“I’ve also uploaded all of Manson’s music. If you’d like to hear it, send me a message and I’ll send you the links.”

From One Two Sixx

“Description: Robin Sax Legal talk Good Day Charles Manson Family Bruce Davis release and Gov. Brown.”

Good Day La

Source:Michaels Backporch– with a video about The Manson Family.

From Michaels Backporch

Whatever your position on the death penalty is and even if you’re in favor of the death penalty, but agree that forty-five years later not executing the Manson Family murderers other than Charlie Manson himself was the correct decision. I think most of the country can agree that once you intentionally take the innocent life of another human being and are convicted of that murder, or murderers, you forfeit your right to freedom for the rest of your life. I could imagine only anti-use of force at anytime groups, as well as anti-prison advocates, or Anarchists having a problem with that.

Bruce Davis, has never even admitted, or apologized for his role in the Manson murders. The only thing that puts him ahead of Charlie, is that he’s made a productive life for himself while in prison. Which is one of the reasons for having prison. Which is the whole point of rehabilitation which is self-improvement and not just preparing people who have a release date on the outside for life there, but empowering people who are serving life, or very long sentences to make a positive life for them self in prison and allow for them to give back. Which is what she should be doing a lot more with our prisons and would make them a lot more affordable to run. But that’s a different subject.

Once you murder someone, you can’t take that back. Your victim never recovers from that. And because of that why should the murder be able to live freely when their victim, or victims can never live at all? No one should feel sorry for anyone who decided to hook up with Charlie Manson. None of the Manson Family members were kidnapped and all voluntarily joined that group. And they were all eighteen, or older when they got involved and they all knew what they were doing when they committed those murders. And they’re all paying the price for it in prison and will continue to pay that price as long as they’re alive. Because their victims will never recover from their murders.

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This post was originally posted at FRS FreeStatePlus on Blogger

If you want to know what demagoguery, paranoia, exaggeration is, or what being obsess is, then just watch the Glen Beck Show or whatever he calls it now. Just don’t ask me to help you spell those things. Because there you have it unless you’re severely learning disabled, blind and death you’ll get an excellent idea of what all of those things are. Glen Beck has a habit of taking minor things and making them look like tragedy’s or crisis’s, the exact type of person who shouldn’t be President of the United States.

Glen Beck shouldn’t be an executive in any other type of government because he lacks an even keel, the ability to see things as they are and not freak out about them. Like with the health care reform debate in 2009-10, where Glen Beck accused President Obama of hating Caucasian people because he wanted to tax tanning salons which I’m guessing is something that Mr. Beck doesn’t use very often. Or may not even know where one is.

Which is like saying people who believe the Palestinians deserve their own state must mean that they hate the Jewish people which is nonsense .You need more to go on then just that. I’ve never taken Beck seriously and have chosen not to. I prefer to see him as a libertarian comedian which he is not some intelligent political analyst. I just prefer to do that before I label someone ignorant as a sack of bricks. Or has an IQ below freezing, makes both George W. Bush and Sarah Palin look like genius’. You can add Sarah Palin to that list with Rick Perry towards the top as far as new applicants.

I don’t listen to Glen Beck very often except for on YouTube, I’ve made that decision. Because even though I find him to be funny, my level of tolerance for nonsense is very low. I have that same policy for a lot of the Republican Party right now except for their leadership and presidential candidates. Because as a blogger I feel the need to keep up to date with them. I’ve made the decision not to listen to a lot of these people, because the amount of what they don’t know is enough to fill up the Rose Bowl in Pasadena a Stadium with 100K Seats. For all you non-sports fans like my mother.

Or as Ronald Reagan said, but about the Democrats, “they know so much that is not true”. I do listen to what Beck has to say about progressivism and socialism, because he’s funny when he goes off on them. And his facts tend to be pretty good, it’s just when he relates the entire Democratic Party with these politics he loses me like Chris Rock cracking a redneck joke at a KKK rally. Because again it gets back to his demagoguery and hyperbolic rants. When he speaks about things like that, he tends to be as off the mark as an auto mechanic giving a lecture on brain surgery. He tends to speak out of his ass which makes him funny because of how ignorant he is.

A lot of times when I hear Glen Beck speak, I think about George Carlin when he says that we can’t blame our politicians. Because they are us, they come from the same places that we do. Schools churches, neighborhoods etc. He’s as ignorant as a lot of people who send our politicians back to office. Or I think damn our education system really has fallen to have people like Glen Beck speaking about key issues and attracting followers.
Lewis Black

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This post was originally posted at The New Democrat on Blogger

“Whose Line is it Anyway?” for anyone who’s interested in the full title of the show and, if you are, you probably keep score at home when you are watching bowling on TV. This is a show that is almost completely off the cuff. Four comedians or comedic actors on stage are given scenes to act out. Sounds simple enough, right? The trick is that they have to act out these scenes as strange characters.

Weird Newscasters is a perfect example. Two comedians are pretending to be news anchors but they have to play these anchors as weird characters. One is an alcoholic who won’t let the bar close down before he gets at least one more drink. One is a weatherman who’s doing the weather as a construction worker who gets turned on every time he sees a woman walk by. Another is a sportscaster who lets out big belches every time he talks about sports.

That’s what you see in this scene. This is a show that I would love to do myself or, at least, play the game. I could give myself my own character to play or take what is given to me. I would love to play the anchor of the 3 am news and call it the Insomniac News Hour, or something like that. There would be breaking news about Lindsay Lohan being pulled over for speeding and then a cut to “The Insomniac Classic Movie, “Attack of the Killer Lettuce,” or something stupid like that.

This is my favorite game on Whose Line because it doesn’t look a lot different from what actually passes as news today. They go on for days about things that should be one day stories or only be given brief mentions. Instead, they’re still being covered a week later by the same people and shows. News about Justin Bieber replaces really important issues like government spying on Americans and privacy. Today if you watch The Onion or Whose Line you might get the same amount of real information as you get from CNN, MSNBC or FNC.
Whose Line

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Source:NBC News– President John F. Kennedy, being interviewed by NBC News in 1963.

Source:The Daily Press 

“Outtakes with President John F. Kennedy during an NBC-TV interview on September 9, 1963, two months before JFK’s assassination. Chet Huntley and David Brinkley of NBC News conducted the interview from the Oval Office in the White House.”

From David Von Pein 

President Kennedy, getting a rare opportunity at a retake of an interview that he had before. David Brinkley and Chet Huntley, interviewing President Kennedy about Vietnam which of course in 1963 was going through a civil war between Communists in the North and Democrats in the South.

The Eisenhower Administration decided to back the Democratic North in Vietnam in a limited way through aid and other resources that the Kennedy Administration decided to continue when they came into office in 1961. Almost three years later in late 1963 President Kennedy was in a position where he needed to decide how much should America help the Democratic South after they sent advisers into Vietnam to assist the South. But I think it was clear that he wasn’t in favor of sending American troops in to fight the Vietnam Civil War.

The second question being about the Kennedy tax cuts of 1963 that President Lyndon Johnson finally got through a Democratic Congress in 1963 after the assassination of President Kennedy in November of 63.

The American economy of 1963 wasn’t that different from the American economy of 2011-12 as far as economic and job growth. The economy in both periods was growing and creating jobs, but not very rapidly and slowly recovering from previous recessions.

What President Kennedy wanted to do was put through an across the board tax cut and pay for it by cutting loopholes to drive consumer spending and economic growth. There were concerns in Congress about how a tax cut that size would affect the deficit. And that is what the President was dealing with then.

Jack Kennedy, was a true Liberal Democrat, because he believed that liberty was worth defending here at home. That America had to be strong at home first economically before we try to show strength abroad. And the we way we should try to show strength abroad was not to try to police the world by ourselves, but work with our allies to preserve peace and expand freedom to people who were looking for it, but didn’t have it because they were being held down by an authoritarian dictatorial regime. Where they have very little if any say on what goes on in their own country.

These were the reasons that the President wanted to help Democratic Vietnam, get the Senate to pass the Test Ban Treaty and to pass a large tax cut. Because he wanted to defend freedom at home and abroad and strengthen the American economy so more Americans could live in freedom.

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Don't Mess With Texas!

Source:The New Republic– don’t mess with Texas. We’re armed and dangerous. We also ain’t too bright and don’t always know what we’re doing. LOL

SourceFRS FreeState

“In the wake of news that more than 80,000 people have signed an online White House petition asking permission for Texas to leave the Union, a single grave concern has united the minds of Americans of all political colors: If the state secedes, where are we going to get our NFL-caliber wide receivers?

As a recent student not just of secession, but the traditionally Southern mindset that drives it in this country (similar petitions for Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina have all topped 20,000 signatures), let me be the first to say to the aggrieved liberal community: relax. No one is talking about building a Berlin Wall around the upside-down pistol grip part of Texas.

Texans may be stubborn, but they ain’t stupid. In the event of secession, mutually beneficial treaties would be drawn up between the United States and newly formed Texas Republic, ensuring both sides get what they need.”

From The New Republic

“Rick Perry on Texas’s right to secede from the US”

Rick Perry on Texas's right to secede from the US

Source:The Centrist Word– Hardball With Chris Matthews?

From The Centrist Word

Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas even seceding from the United States, who the hell needs them. (From my point of view) They need us so they can fund their own roads and for all that welfare insurance they get from taxpayers in wealthy states. So their people don’t starve and so their kids can go to school and so-forth.

I mean do we really need a Alabama and a Mississippi in the union, couldn’t we get by with just one of them, or how about they combine and become one state. And we would have on less ignorant state in the union.

And do we really need to Carolinas and two Virginia’s? I’m not looking for Virginia to leave the union, but do we need a Virginia and a West Virginia.

West Virginia, is not seceding. Even they know like the rest of the country that they need America more than America needs them. But South Carolina might be a different story and the idea of an African-American, not only being elected, but reelected President of the United States, is appalling to a certain percentage of South Carolinians. And they may leave the country, some of the nuts in that state.

My whole point about this is that the people in these states that are considering leaving the United States, good riddance, as far as I’m concern. And maybe they can move somewhere and start some new Confederate Republic like they tried in the 1860s. And even if these states were to secede, which will never happen because even these states have enough intelligent people in them to know better. People who were perhaps educated outside of these states, to understand that they need America more than we need them.

As much as Southern Neo-Confederates may bash the U.S. Government and public assistance, a lot of their people still need that just to get by. Which makes this whole discussion a little ridiculous, because this will never happen.

Texas, won’t leave the United States, they have the most uninsured people in the country per-capita. They need us again for the public assistance that they collect. America, needs Texas to become energy independent and get off of foreign oil. Which would be a boom for both our economy and foreign policy. But if these third-world American states in the Southeast want to take a hike, I’ll help them pack. And see how well they can do on their own.

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Source:Daily Worldwide News– Keith Olbermann: time to go.

Source:The Daily Press

“Keith Olbermann who was brought in to raise Current TV’s ratings has done just the opposite and was fired today.”

From Daily Worldwide News

To be honest you, I wasn’t shocked to hear that Keith Olbermann was fired by MSNBC a year ago. Even though they want to have a leftist prime time lineup. Giving voice to so-called American Progressives and looking at the news from a so-called progressive slant.

MSNBC wants to be for so-called Progressives what FNC is for the right-wing. The rest of the NBC News operation I believe is fairly objective. And their reporting is solid. NBC Nightly News and NBC Meet the Press are excellent examples of this.

But MSNBC Talk is clearly slanted towards so-calledProgressives. And Keith Olbermann is so far to the left, at least with his political commentary and anti-corporate if not private enterprise and so unafraid of offending anyone, including the people he works for (CurrentTV, owned by Al Gore) that he’ll say whatever he wants as long as he believes in it strong enough.

As much as Current my not want to be part of the corporate media and be part of the private sector version of PBS or something, they are part of corporate media. They are a business and have to turn a profit to be successful.

CurrentTV has proven to not be the right format for Keith Olbermann. I’m not sure there is one, other than maybe HBO, Showtime or maybe PBS, where he could say whatever he wants to, swear as often as he likes. This is a format that’s served Bill Maher very well and if Keith can avoid offending one of these networks, maybe HBO, or Showtime, would be a place for him.

Keith, may fit in well there or going on talk radio. Starting his own website or news organization that reflects the views of so-called Progressives, (Democratic Socialists, really) because being the lead anchor on a cable network, which is what Current is and saying things that can offend corporate media, just doesn’t work, it doesn’t fit.

Keith Olbermann needs to be on a format where he can be Keith and do his thing. And not have to worry about who he’s offending. Similar to Rush Limbaugh or Bill O’Reilly, but for leftists. And there may not be a big enough outlet out there that’s also willing to put up with Keith, that can make that happen for him.

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