
Posts Tagged ‘Women in Skin-Tight Jeans’


Source:Leathered Life– Laura for Leathered Life.

Source:The New Democrat

“Many Girls in Leather Pants – new clips this week!!!”

From Leathered Life

There are two models over at Leathered Life that I love, let me amend that. Two models over at Leathered Life that I physically love. It would be tough to love someone you don’t personally know, despite all the people who have tried to do so. I don’t know Laura or Lena personally, but I love them physically because they are both yes very cute and pretty if not beautiful. But they both have great bodies and both wear and look great in leather jeans and wear them on a regular basis.


Source:Leathered Life– Laura for Leathered Life

Checking out Laura in her Miss Sixty leather jeans, is like checking out Rachael Ray in her skin-tight denim jeans. And watching her move around in her kitchen in those jeans and hoping she turns around to get something out of the cabinet. Or steps back to open a cabinet with the camera man focusing on her mid-section and waste in her jeans. Leather jeans like denim jeans especially tight leather and denim jeans are made for well-built women with curves and meat on their bones. Not rail-thin or obese women which is why the strong women look good in them. Laura, perfect example of that.

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Leathered Life

Source:Leathered Life– Sandra B for Leathered Life.

Source:The Daily Press

“SandraB Leather Model”

From Leathered Life

Short, but sweet video of Sandra one of the leather models at the website Leathered Life. Which I’m not sure is even still in business or not. I haven’t seen many videos or anything from them lately. But they were pretty hot in early 2009 when I got on YouTube and I checked out a lot of their videos when I got on YouTube. And a few of them are already on this blog and this will be another one. Lena is probably the only model that I really like there.

Sandra seems pretty sweet with a nice body, but Lena has everything including beauty and baby-face adorable looks. And a body that seems to be built for skinny jeans. Both denim and leather jeans with great curves. The woman in the video looks good with the leather jeans and boots and certainly worth checking out. Which is why I’m posting this and her outfit is certainly sexy. But I’ve rather of seen a leather jacket like a biker jacket to go with the jeans and boots. Instead of a long coat.

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Larissa - Topmodel in Miss Sixty Leather Pants_2 (1)

Source:Leathered Life– model Larissa, in Miss Sixty leather jeans.

Source:The New Democrat 

“Larissa – Topmodel in Miss Sixty Leather Pants”

From Leathered Life

Larissa is one of the beautiful brunettes over at Leathered Life who models Miss Sixty leather jeans for them. I don’t like her as much as Laura and Lena, but she’s very sexy in black leather.

Leathered Life: Larissa

Source:Leathered Life– model Larissa, in Miss Sixty leather jeans.

Originally from Leathered Life

Now here’s a woman whose not ashamed of at least one of her assets. I guess you sort of have to approve of your assets to be a fashion model, especially a leather model who wears skin-tight leather jeans on a regular basis, which is what Larissa does for Leathered Life.


Source:Leathered Life– model Larissa, in Miss Sixty leather jeans.

Beautiful sexy woman in a leather jacket, boots and yes Miss Sixty leather jeans. And showing herself off in this outfit. I’m an Agnostic because I obviously don’t know if there is a God or multiple Gods or not, otherwise I wouldn’t be an Agnostic. But if there is a God, thank God for women like this and I hope he just continues to produce women like this. So guys such as myself can continue to check them out and blog about them and get the word out about them.

Videos like this would what the Christian Right and so-called Moral Majority would say are “immoral and should be banned and taken down by government”. Radical feminists would say “these videos are an example of women being abused and forced into pleasing the man and another example of male sexist power”, or something. The rest of us would say whether we like the video or not, here’s a professional model doing her job and the more people who see her, the better she does and the more power to her. That is where I am not only as a man, but as a Liberal who believes in free choice and expression.

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Source:Leathered Life– Lena for Leathered Life.

Source:The New Democrat

“Many girls in leather pants… New clips today. ” Originally from Leathered Life, but the video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

Love Lena, the beautiful baby-face adorable curvy brunette in this video. To me at least she’s the top model at this website, I guess called Leathered Life.

Sarah, very beautiful and cute, but sort of has an average body and none of the other models in this video got much of my attention.

But Lena is pretty special and a goddess in black leather jeans and looks great in those jeans with boots as well. And I just wish this was more footage of her and that she did other projects.

Leather jeans at least on women, are a lot more popular in Europe than in America. American women love skinny denim jeans and even skin-tight skinny denim jeans. But if they wear leather pants at all, they tend to be like dress slacks or leggings.

Leather jeans outside of biker and hard rock culture, are not that popular in America. Leathered Life and the company Miss Sixty that makes leather and denim jeans are the exception to that. But leather jeans for men and women are pretty popular in Europe.

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Source:Bel Jim– British Diva Carol Vorderman, out in skin-tight Levi’s jeans.

Source:The New Democrat


From Bel Jim

Carol Vorderman

Source:The Daily Press– British fashion diva Carol Vorderman, out in skin-tight Levi’s jeans. 

Carol Vorderman is this very sexy beautiful British woman who is like fifty-four years old now. But probably looks and acts like a woman in her mid thirties or around forty. She is a celebrity talk show and game show host in Britain, or at least was one at one point. Not sure what she is doing now, but she is very popular in Britain and pretty popular internationally for her physical appearance. The way she looks and the way she presents herself.

She is known for short tight tops and wearing skin-tight denim and leather jeans as well. And she wears boots with them and wears these tight sexy outfits on her shows and when she’s out in public a lot. Haven’t seen many women fill out a pear of classic Levis tight skinny jeans better than Carol Vorderman and if she’s doesn’t get a guys attention in those outfits, not many other women will. And she is a pleasure to check out.

You can also see this post at The New Democrat, on Blogger.

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Levis Denim Diva

Source:Total Tight Jeans– Levis Denim Diva

Source:The New Democrat


From Total Tight Jeans

The second time I’ve seen this woman named Amanda in her classic black Levis. The problem I have with this video, is that it is forty-seconds. But even in that short amount of time you see beautiful sexy curvy women looking great in black Levis. Women know men very well as far as what men like especially when it comes to women. And this video is a perfect example of that, with this very sexy woman in her classic Levis with the great body.

Seeing a woman like this makes me want to get down on my knees and thank God I’m a man. And keep in mind, I’m an Agnostic, but seeing a woman like this could make a man rethink his religious affiliation. Could bring to sight to a blind man and perhaps even change a gay man. And get him to thinking “OMG! What have I’ve been missing all these years?” A perfect woman physically where the perfect Levis jeans. Not much more than a guy can ask for.

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Sexy Cassandra

Source: Robert Carter– Sexy Cassandra!

Source:The New Democrat

“Girls in tight jeans slideshow”

From Robert Carter

Love the woman in the Levis jeans especially. I first saw her on a web site back in like late 2009 called something to the effect of, Girls in Denim Jeans, something like that. She’s called Sexy Cassandra, I doubt that is her real name. I mean seriously, who would name their daughter Sexy as her first name. I mean what sober sane person would do that, unless you’re raising your daughter to be a porn star. Perhaps you’re a porn king or pimp or something.

I’ve seen several photos of Cassandra in her classic Levis. And she looks like a goddess in them and has a real nice body and proud of it and proud to show it. A real sexy woman to me at least who takes care of herself with a real nice body. Doesn’t starve herself, or unable to fill herself up to the point of obesity. But a sexy woman who takes care of herself and proud of her body to the point that she wants the world to see it.

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Source: Libra 2509– Rock & R&B Goddess Tina Turner

Source:The New Democrat

Tina Turner saying that “it is time to move on and that I wish you the best. But I’m done and moving on with my life while I still can. Because I can’t take the fighting no more and want to have a life for myself”.

The ultimate breakup song from the ultimate singer and musical artist at least when it comes to singing from her heart and from real life. And not needing to be able to think of things to say, or make things up. Because Tina sings from real experiences as this song was about.

Libra 2509: Tina Turner- I Don’t Wanna Fight

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Biker Women

Source: Leathered Life– Ricarda, in jeans in boots

“Mature biker lady in tight leather pants.” Originally from Leathered Life, but the video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

There are a lot of YouTube videos of sexy women in tight leather and denim jeans. And the person shooting the video tends to call the women, mature to describe them. Even though these women are probably in their late thirties, or perhaps even mid-thirties and perhaps some cases early forties. Obviously not older women and at best in all cases early middle age women.

Which tells me the people and I guessing guys in most cases are really young, like in their early or mid-twenties and look like kids to someone who is about my age or even younger. I think this is just one characteristic of people from the Y Generation. People who are not like them and a bit older, but perhaps not a lot older, seem older than them, because they the 20th Century or something or parts of it.

The woman in this video is a beautiful sexy woman, who looks great in this biker outfit. A leather biker outfit with the leather jeans in boots. And I’m sure she is mature compared with someone who just turned old enough to drink legally in America. But she’s not only by any standard, except for someone who was perhaps just born yesterday.

You can also see this post at The New Democrat, on WordPress.

You can also see this post at FRS FreeState, on WordPress.

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Source:The Daily Press– Leather jeans in boots, on the left.

“Terrie Hawkes walking along the street in tight leather pants and boots.” Originally from Terrie Leather Honeys, but the video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

Didn’t get to see the face of Terrie Hawkes, whoever she is and if I’m ignorant about that, I apologize, but we didn’t get to see her face until the end of this video. But the quick look of her, she looks like a gorgeous blonde and of course with a great body. Tall and well-built, with the perfect outfit to highlight those features.

The skin-tight leather jeans in boots and with a great walk to show people who she looks and sexy she is. And I just love women who know they are sexy and proud that others see that as well. I just would’ve made this video at least two-minutes longer with the same woman and the same outfit and gotten to see more of her face and you would’ve gotten a very good look at her face and body in the same shots in that great outfit.

The tight leather jeans in boots that she pulls off perfectly and about as well as it can be done. I just wish she did it longer and this would’ve been a great sexy, but tasteful video of a gorgeous sexy women in a very stylish outfit and not looking like a porn star.

You can also see this post on Blogger.

You can also see this post at The Action Blog, on WordPress.

You can also see this post at The Action Blog, on Blogger.

You can also see this post at The New Democrat, on WordPress.

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