
Posts Tagged ‘A-Rod’

A-Rod Suspended for 2014 MLB SeasonSource:ABC News– New York Yankees 3B Alex Rodriguez.

Source:ABC News

“Yankees still owe slugger Alex Rodriguez $61 million as he continues to fight to stay in the game.”

From ABC News

A lot of good those drugs did A-Rod in the last three seasons with declining skills and dealing with injuries. And what a year suspension will do to the legacy of someone who just ten years ago was thought of as the best all around baseball player in MLB at the time.

Whether its Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco, Barry Bonds, and now Alex Rodriguez and unfortunately the list only gets longer, I’ve always had a hard time believing and let alone respecting, why athletes this big, strong, and talented, would feel the need to use steroids. When they’re already naturally very strong. A-Rod, Big Mac, and Jose, all came up as big, strong, athletes.

As far as A-Rod’s career, he’ll be 40 when he comes back in 2015. If he comes back that year, when he hasn’t had a good season since 2009. He’s been beat up the last few seasons and part of that is because he’s already aging and past him prime. The New York Yankees, are aging as far as their core group of players. Derek Jeter, would be another one and their great closer Mariano Rivera, is another one. All of their great players now are pushing 40. The Yankees haven’t done a great job of preparing for the future. Not saying A-Rod’s career is over, but he has been done as a great dominant hitter. And may never play 3rd base again.

I believe a lot of this has to do with great athletes thinking they’re untouchable that they won’t be suspended or sanctioned in any way, because they believe their team the league needs them more than they need their team and their league. And when you’re already worth 50-100 million or whatever A-Rod’s net worth is right now, maybe you believe it’s worth the risk, especially if the drugs pay off. But the problem is that A-Rod has been beat up and has seen is production fall. He doesn’t run and move the way he use to. He no longer has the great, dominant, bat speed. Teams can pitch to him instead of pitching around him. So the steroids he took didn’t do him a damn bit of good. And this will always be part of his legacy.

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