
Posts Tagged ‘Associated Press’

The Telegraph_ 'Mob Boss James 'Whitey' Bulger 'Will Spend The Rest of His Life in Jail'Source:The Telegraph-U.S.Attorney Carmen Ortiz.

“US attorney Carmen Ortiz welcomes the conviction of feared Boston mob boss James “Whitey” Bulger for a string of killings and other gangland crimes, many of them committed while he was said to be an FBI informant.”

From The Telegraph

“James Whitey Bulger’s’ Day of Reckoning Long Time in Coming”

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz

Source:Associated Press– U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz.

From the Associated Press

The Irish mob taking another big hit in America with Jimmy Bulger being put away forever. I don’t know of a more intelligent mobster, or criminal than James Whitey Bulger. Here’s a career criminal who was on the FBI’s most wanted list for sixteen years and yet he was smart enough not to commit additional crimes, at least from what we know while he was on the run. And his long-term girl friend Catherine Grieg who is young enough to be his daughter and was in her early 60s when was Whitey was captured, stayed with him the whole time.

To paraphrase Neil McCauley: (Robert De Niro’s character in Heat) Whitey Bulger wasn’t a career loser who jacked convenient stores who always got caught, because he kept dropping his driver’s license while putting the stolen money in his wallet, or always smiled for the camera in the store without wearing a mask, with a born to lose tattoo on his arm and showed off his born to lose tattoo to the camera. Whitey Bulger was a career criminal, not career prison inmate, because he was very good at it. Knew what to do and how to make money from it and who to eliminate who were real threats to him. And just as importantly to him, he knew how to get away with his crimes.

Whitey Bulger, was educated, was well-read, knew how the system and how society worked and what he could do and what he could get away with. You don’t become as successful as a criminal as he was, if you don’t know these things. If you’re some uneducated asshole who perhaps likes breaking the law and hurting innocent people, you’re going to end up doing a lot of time in prison. Because you don’t put much thought into your crimes. You just decide that you want to do something and then do it. And then deal with the consequences later on. But Whitey was a career criminal, because he was good at it. Knew what he wanted and how to get it and then get away with it.

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Cindy De La Hoz_ ‘Marilyn Remembered_ The Official Treasures 1926-1962’ _ FRS FreeState

Source:ABE Books– Cindy De La Hoz’s book about Marilyn Monroe.

Source:The Daily Press

“On 5 August 1962 the world lost one of its brightest stars when Marilyn Monroe died. Fifty years after her death, however, she remains one of the most recognized icons of all time. “Marilyn Remembered: The Official Treasures 1926-1962” traces the classic rags-to-riches tale of the child abandoned by her mother who became a sparkling Hollywood star, winning hearts through her intelligence, humor, and acting skills as well as her beauty. It follows the ups and downs of her life through three marriages and reveals her experiences on the set of some of the greatest films ever made. This special edition is a celebration of the screen goddess’ life featuring over 200 stunning photographs and 20 items of facsimile memorabilia from her personal papers.

About the Author:
Cindy De La Hoz is a film historian who has written extensively on cinema and legendary cinematic figures. Her books include Lucy at the Movies; A Touch of Grace: How to Be a Princess, the Grace Kelly Way and Lana: The Memories, the Myths, the Movies, which Leonard Maltin called “one of the best books about a star I have ever read”. Cindy also wrote Marilyn Monroe: Platinum Fox.”

“Matt LeBlanc, Lucy Liu, Carrie-Anne Moss, Kristin Kreuk, Lisa Kudrow, Dennis Quaid and Michael Chiklis reveal their feelings about Marilyn Monroe’s legacy on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the star’s death. (Aug. 1)”

From ABE Books 

“Matt LeBlanc, Lucy Liu, Carrie-Anne Moss, Kristin Kreuk, Lisa Kudrow, Dennis Quaid and Michael Chiklis reveal their feelings about Marilyn Monroe’s legacy on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the star’s death. (Aug. 1)”

Marilyn Monroe Remembered by Stars

Source:Associated Press– Actress Lucy Liu talking about Hollywood Babydoll Marilyn Monroe.

From the Associated Press 

I don’t think Marilyn Monroe is the best looking of all-time, or even the best looking woman in the history of Hollywood. She’s certainly one of the cutest, most beautiful, one of the best bodies and perhaps the original denim diva sporting skin-tight Levi’s jeans in the 1950s when it was culturally unacceptable for any woman in America to wear tight pants made from any material, especially denim. But Marilyn has a goddess image that can’t be ignored and it’s well-deserved with all sorts of photos like this that make her look like she’s royalty.

Marilyn Monroe

Source:Alamy Stock Photo– Hollywood Babydoll Marilyn Monroe. But she looks like a Goddess in this photo.

If you are going to look at the life of entertainer Marilyn Monroe who died at the very young age of 36, (the same age I am today) and you can get past the goddess parts of Marilyn Monroe (which I admit is very difficult) you are talking about one of the sexy babies of all sexy babies. (Sexy Baby: sexy, baby face woman) A sexy baby that all sexy babies are measured by: hot, baby-face adorable, didn’t even look 36, more like 16.

And Marilyn of course with one of the greatest if not greatest bodies a woman has ever had. She looked like an athlete like a tennis player or something. But if you are able to get past all of that (perhaps with professional help) I believe you’ll see a very talented, but somewhat lost woman, who lacked self-confidence and perhaps was never very happy. Which is interesting to me because she married someone who had similar issues in Joe DiMaggio, who is one of the top 3-5 baseball players of all time, but who perhaps never appreciated that.

Marilyn Monroe wasn’t a bimbo, perhaps not very knowledgeable or very interested in things outside of the entertainment industry. But someone who was very good at her craft who didn’t work very hard at it. She was famous for missing rehearsal’s, not showing up for events. Not being very professional, but she was very good at her craft. She didn’t have to work very hard at it. She was someone who was very funny like in the movie The Seven Year Itch.

Marilyn was very funny in person as well (intentionally and unintentionally) and she could also act. Either be a comedian or a dramatic actress and she could also sing and perform. She wasn’t an actress or a singer, but an entertainer, perhaps too good at her craft. And then you throw in her physical attractiveness, she seemed to have everything going for her. But apparently there was something missing that she wasn’t able to accomplish which is what brought her down.

They say geniuses are somewhat troubled because as brilliant as they are about somethings. They devote so much time those direct areas that they don’t have much else going for them and seem very mediocre in other areas. Like a nerd who knows everything about let’s say chemistry, but couldn’t tell you their favorite movie or something because they don’t have one or don’t watch any movies or something and seem somewhat unsatisfied. I’m not saying Marilyn was a genius, but she had some of those characteristics.

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YouTube_ House Rejects Sex-selection Abortion Ban - Google Search

Source:Associated Press– U.S. Representative Phil Gingrey (Republican, Georgia) presiding over the U.S. House of Representatives.

Source:FRS FreeState

“The House on Thursday fell short in an effort to ban abortions based on the sex of the fetus as Republicans and Democrats made an election-year appeal for women’s votes.”

From the Associated Press

I guess one of the disadvantages of having a two-party political system is that you get all the fringes stuck into two political parties, with one party having their own vision of big government and the other party having there’s. Which is what we have now in the Republican Party and Democratic Party.

Nanny State

Source:The Daily Press– I just wish every sane, sober, intelligent American (which seems to be a shrinking list of people everyday) would just say hell no to the nanny state. And let free people live their own lives.

I would never get an abortion myself (and not just because I’m a man, which makes that biologically impossible) because even if I didn’t want the baby, I prefer options like adoption over aborting potential human lives.

And I sure as hell would never abort a fetus because I didn’t like the gender of the baby. If gender equality (which is what leftists used to claim to care about) means anything, you don’t abort fetuses simply because of the fetuses gender.

But to pass a law out of Congress (even if it’s just in the House) banning abortions because the parents don’t like the gender of the baby, I mean you can say that they’re stupid for doing that, crazy even, but to put them in prison for simply being crazy idiots and perhaps their crazy idiot doctor for doing that, looks like Big Government with way too much free time on his hands, living such a boring life that he feels the need to tell other people what to do, to fill his time and days.

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Socialist Francois Hollande Defeats Conservative Nicholas Sarkozy in French Election_ The Socialists Are Coming! (1)

Source:Associated Press– democracy in action in France.

Source:The Daily Press

“Socialist candidate Francois Hollande defeated conservative Nicolas Sarkozy to become France’s next president, heralding a change in how Europe tackles its debt crisis and how France flexes its diplomatic muscle around the world.”

From the Associated Press

“François Hollande’s victory in France offered a stiff rebuke to Germany’s austerity regime, but the new president faces challenges in delivering on his campaign’s pro-growth rhetoric.

French president-elect Francois Hollande reacts to supporters with his companion Valerie Trierweiler while celebrating his election victory in Bastille Square in Paris, France, Sunday, May 6, 2012. France handed the presidency Sunday to leftist Hollande, a champion of government stimulus programs who says the state should protect the downtrodden – a victory that could deal a death blow to the drive for austerity that has been the hallmark of Europe in recent years.

Speaking from the Bastille last night, Hollande gave a clear sense of how he sees his victory: It signaled, he said, a “fresh start for Europe”- an indication that austerity is not be the continent’s destiny. The new French president has set off tremors in Berlin by arguing for stimulus spending to revive Europe’s ailing economy and calling for eurobonds to finance large infrastructure projects. Hollande has also pledged to veto the German-inspired fiscal compact, which would bind its 25 signatories to stringent budgetary rules, unless it is complemented by measures to promote growth and employment.

All this will doubtless be on the table when Hollande meets Angela Merkel after being sworn in on May 15 or 16. Merkel worked closely with Sarkozy in tackling (or failing to) the European debt crisis and openly supported him against his socialist challenger. As leader of Europe’s economic powerhouse and its reluctant financial rescuer, she has proved a stubborn player. Her government’s commitment to austerity and structural reform as the only medicine for the eurozone’s ills has been adamantine-it will be hard for Hollande to find ways to crack her. On the other hand, he has invested too heavily in his credentials as an anti-austerity champion (on a pan-European level) to yield easily; he is mindful, among other things, of past instances in which French political candidates promised a change of course only to quickly bow to Berlin once elected. Parliamentary elections on June 10 and 17, in which Hollande hopes the socialists will earn an absolute majority, will also contribute to a robust negotiating stance.”

Socialist Francois Hollande Defeats Conservative Nicholas Sarkozy in French Election_ The Socialists Are Coming!

Source:The American Prospect– Francois Hollande, the next Socialist President of the French Republic.

From The American Prospect

The Socialists are coming! The Socialists are coming! Everyone hide your wallets and mattress’s and bank accounts, Swiss bank accounts while they’re still available! Quick, hurry before you see the Socialists take what’s ever left of your personal finances.

Well, this is France, so the French are use to having Socialists in power, perhaps even like it. They pay high taxes with smiles on their faces and then complain when they are only taxed 50, 60 or 70%. And say: “No, I can give you more, I’m not completely broke yet. Quick, take the rest of my money, before I do something with it like pay the rent, buy groceries or actually enjoy life.”

This is France with a lot of opportunities to do that, most of them legal by the way. If Socialists came to power in America or someone who is not a Socialist, but where there are millions of Americans dumb enough to believe he is a Socialist, ( are you getting warmer, have you figured out who I’m talking about yet ) there would be riots in the streets.

If there were actually real Socialists coming to power in America, let’s say the so-called Progressive Caucus (another way of saying Democratic Socialists of America, to me more accurate ) came to power in Congress and one of their members gets elected President and if we are going to imagine this, (let’s also imagine a July blizzard in Phoenix, Arizona about the same odds) there would not only be riots in the streets but people fleeing to other countries. And to them a foreign country would be Hawaii or Puerto Rico. And then they would be shocked that the people there speak English.

Americans, go out-of-their-way to not pay taxes, wouldn’t surprise me if most of the Swiss bank accounts are owned by Americans. With Americans shoving the Swiss out-of-the-way to get a Swiss bank account. We cry for days after filing our tax returns, going: “If only I had that money that Uncle Sam took from me, what I could’ve spent it on.” Just some of the differences between France and America.

When Socialists come to power in France, it’s a cause of celebration. When Conservatives come to power in France, the people there freak out and complain about the Populist Party trying to transform France into America. And freak out about having to make more decisions about their lives. “Oh no, more freedom! What am I going to, I can’t take this! I need the Federal Government telling me what to do!” Just some of the differences between the two countries.

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